Open Mic

Open Mic for Peace

Sun March 4 – 7:00 pm – Omni Center Welcome spring with our great local musicians! Always fun. Always beautiful. For many Open Mic is like a sweet spiritual experience. Thank you to Kelly and Donna Mulhollan for creating this warm and open space for creative musicians and poets to try out their work. Bring your instrument or whatever and share. Or just join those of us who listen and enjoy.

Open Mic for February is different

Open Mic February Sunday Feb 5 – 7:00 pm – Omni Maybe this is a covid thing. February is usually a Black History Month, or a Valentine Hearts thing. This year the idea that comes to the mind of Donna Mulhollan (that major source of cultural inspiration around here) is about death, or “crossing over”. There’ve been several of those in Omni already this year I sorry to say. In the wake of covid we need some new thinking about that, and art, music and culture have things to say that can nurture new understanding and deeper care about such […]

Greetings Open Mic Folks

A new year is upon us and Jan. Open Mic has fallen on New Year’s Day again this year. Most of our Omni people are not Superbowl fans because we always have a decent turnout even with hangovers and all!!! Maybe a loose theme could be NEW BEGINNINGS…STARTING OVER…something positive in that vein? Not a requirement…just a suggestion to kick off 2023. Sunday, Jan 1st, a t 7:00.  We want to give a HEADS UP theme for Feb. Open Mic.  WINTERING, DEATH, CROSSING OVER. Years ago we did that theme for our annual winter concert at Mike Shirkey’s and thought no one would come but […]

Open Mic for Peace – In person again!

Sunday Mar 6 2022 – 7:00 pm(emergency-only Zoom link below)Open Mic returns in-person Hoping March will smile on us!Here’s a link to the emergency-only Zoom Open mic session on Mar. 6. But it’ll be better to come to Omni and enjoy the company of your people! It’ll be wonderful to see your faces and hear your voices, good friends! 7:00 pm at Omni ID: 882 5812 3344 Passcode: 703547

Open Mic for Peace – on Zoom for February

Sunday Feb 6 2022 – 7:00 pmZoom link belowOpen Mic in omicron season: Back to zoom for February’s Open Mic. Makes us sad, but we all want to stay healthy. Maybe March will smile on us!Here’s a link to the Zoom Open mic session on Feb. 6. It’ll still be wonderful to see your faces and hear your voices, good friends! ID: 882 5812 3344 Passcode: 703547

Open Mic Night!

Sunday Dec 5 – 7:00 pmIn Person at Omni!Covid safety in mind! Stay tuned!Greetings Omni folks,Dec. Open Mic is right around the corner. My how time flies! We will be hosting at the Omni Center Sunday, Dec. 5th at 7:00 as usual…at least for as long as everyone feels safe. The numbers of covid cases are climbing here in Arkansas…we hope everyone that comes is vaxxed, for the safety of all. I wish we had the where-with-all to do both LIVE an ZOOM of open mic but we are not that savvy.Maybe sharing songs about winter, solstice, holidays???? (Not specifically Christmas Carols…but along the line […]

Open Mic Night!

Sunday Dec 5- 7:00 pmIn Person at Omni!Covid safety in mind! Stay tuned!Greetings Open Mic folks, Dec 5th…first Sunday Open Mic. It’s getting a bit too cold to host out on the OMNI deck so we will be moving it indoors.We know that most of our regulars have been vaxxed and boosted. If there are any of ya’ll who are unable to be vaxxed for whatever reason…it is probably safer for you not to attend. If you decide to attend please take care of your safety needs by social distancing and masking. We don’t want to be the Covid police…Folks can mask or […]