Greetings Open Mic Folks

A new year is upon us and Jan. Open Mic has fallen on New Year’s Day again this year. Most of our Omni people are not Superbowl fans because we always have a decent turnout even with hangovers and all!!!

Maybe a loose theme could be NEW BEGINNINGS…STARTING OVER…something positive in that vein? Not a requirement…just a suggestion to kick off 2023. Sunday, Jan 1st, a t 7:00. 

We want to give a HEADS UP theme for Feb. Open Mic.  WINTERING, DEATH, CROSSING OVER. Years ago we did that theme for our annual winter concert at Mike Shirkey’s and thought no one would come but Goodfolk was packed and folks loved it. We even had a person from Hospice come out and do a talk.  hmmmmm. Ironically Kelly and I have dozens of songs with this topic, it will be hard to decide which ones to do.

Our culture never talks about this subject openly and it is important to do so. I thought the Natural State Burial CD was revolutionary…sorry that vision didn’t materialize (so far).

Happy Hollydaze to each and every one of you and we hope you are warm and toasty. Hope to see you in the NEW YEAR.

Donna, Kelly and the whole OMNI crew!