Open Mic Night!

Sunday Dec 5- 7:00 pmIn Person at Omni!Covid safety in mind! Stay tuned!
Greetings Open Mic folks,

Dec 5th…first Sunday Open Mic. It’s getting a bit too cold to host out on the OMNI deck so we will be moving it indoors.
We know that most of our regulars have been vaxxed and boosted. If there are any of ya’ll who are unable to be vaxxed for whatever reason…it is probably safer for you not to attend. If you decide to attend please take care of your safety needs by social distancing and masking. We don’t want to be the Covid police…Folks can mask or not as they are comfortable.

So all that said, sharing music together is such good medicine. 7:00 till the last song is sung and the last poem recited.
Hope to see you there

Donna and Kelly and the whole OMNI crewe  3274 N. Lee Ave.

Covid precautions: As weather and covid safety permit, event will be held outdoors on the patio and socially distanced. Indoor events will be smaller than before covid and distanced. Please be vaxxed, wear masks and plan to give each other plenty of room to feel safe. If you’re not feeling well stay home, of course.