Yearly Archives: 2021


BIDEN’S FOREIGN POLICY SAME OLD  IMPERIAL MILITARISM, NEWSLETTER #1 NOVEMBER 23, 2021 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTS 2020-2021Kuzmarov, Hawk Biden’s Foreign PolicyPrashad, Biden Will Keep the Cold War RollingRich War Hawks in Biden’s Foreign Policy TeamTom Introduces Alfred McCoy on Biden’s Continuation of Obama’s Pivot toward ChinaAmy Frame, “Biden Oks $1 Billion in Weapons Sales to Saudis”Erica Fine, “Apocalyptically Dangerous” Nuclear Weapons DevelopmentBiden’s Secretary of State Sees No Change in Foreign Policy TEXTS 2020-2021  “Beware of the Hawk: What to Expect from the Biden Administration on Foreign Policy” By Jeremy […]

50. Climate Memo Mondays, 50TH CMM, November 22, 2021

50.   Climate Memo Mondays,  50TH CMM, November 22, 2021 CLIMATE:  ADAPTATION and RESILIENCE, a note by Dick Bennett These books offer new constructive ways of living with the reality of diminishing possibility of reversing the damage humans have done to Earth.  They seek ways of holding onto hope in the face of devastating loss. Contents Jem Bendell and  Rupert Read, Eds.  Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos.  Polity Press, 2021.William deBuys. The Trail to Kanjiroba: Rediscovering Earth in an Age of Loss.  Penguin Random House (7 Stories), 2021.  Johnson and Wilkinson, eds.  All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, […]

Changes in a Good Direction

Changes in a Good DirectionIntroducing Alex and Rachel Alex Tripodi has been a member of Omni Board of Directors for over two years now. Maybe you remember the story of how his workplace closed down when covid started and he founded MayDay Community Kitchen for his own sanity and to feed others who were struggling. At the time, Alex told us “Peace will look different in the world my generation is facing. We need to think about how we do our work differently because if my generation is going to be part of this, they’ll want to see practical results.” […]

Open Mic Night!

Sunday Dec 5- 7:00 pmIn Person at Omni!Covid safety in mind! Stay tuned!Greetings Open Mic folks, Dec 5th…first Sunday Open Mic. It’s getting a bit too cold to host out on the OMNI deck so we will be moving it indoors.We know that most of our regulars have been vaxxed and boosted. If there are any of ya’ll who are unable to be vaxxed for whatever reason…it is probably safer for you not to attend. If you decide to attend please take care of your safety needs by social distancing and masking. We don’t want to be the Covid police…Folks can mask or […]

End Nuclear Weapons Design at the University of Arkansas!

Join the campaign Facebook group for Omni partner Arkansas Nonviolence Alliance to learn more and see how you can help. This is a Campaign Celebrating the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (TPNW), and Calling for the University of Arkansas to Terminate its Nuclear Weapons Program with the Honeywell Corporation, and for Global Nuclear Weapons Abolition. It also highlights the complicity of the University of Arkansas Dept of Engineering in designing components for nuclear weapons in collaboration with Honeywell International. It’s also interning UA students with Honeywell. Do those students know they are designing weapons of mass destruction?   Nuclear Weapons of […]

What’s the Buzz About?

What’s the Buzz About?A Wild Bee WorkshopSaturday Dec 18 – 2:00 pm – Omni Center Entomology PhD student and wild bee researcher Olivia Kline will give a presentation on the importance of native bees to the local ecology and agriculture. Olivia will give an overview of the results of her research into the surprising variety of wild bees and their critical role as pollinators. She will discuss ways to promote bee populations through native plants and habitat. We will also look at simple ways to build a wild bee house for your yard.   We might also say that we’re limiting the […]

Picking Your Role in the World We Want

Picking Your Role in the World We Want ” …what will you do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver asked that in her poem The Summer Day.You may have noticed that the world is getting serious now. At least it is for lots of people. If you don’t need to feel that way yet you’re among the very fortunate. At this point though, it’s only possible to ignore the problems we face with serious effort, so escaping “serious” is not a reality for anybody.. This is the moment when it’s time to decide whose job it is […]

OMNI UN COP26 Glasgow Followup, #1, 11-14/ 11-17, 2021

OMNI UN COP26 Glasgow Followup, #1, 11-14/ 11-17, 2021 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTS NOV. 14-2014 Corporate Accountability 11-14 2015 Morning Star Online  11-15 2016Earth Overshoot 11-16 Extinction Rebellion 11-16 Avaaz 11-16 Alexandria Octavia-Cortez  11-16 2017 Insider, Sierra Magazine, 11-17 Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, 11-17 TEXTS NOV. 14- NOVEMBER 14, 2021 As we run out of time to save the planet, COP26 ends in ‘utter betrayal’Originally published: The Canary by Peadar O’Cearnaigh (November 14, 2021 )  |  – Posted Nov 16, 2021 Climate Change, Environment, Movements, StrategyGlobalNewswireExtinction Rebellion, Glasgow Climate Pact, Greta Thunberg, United Nations Climate Change […]