Monthly Archives: December 2019

New Year’s Resolutions

If you enjoy turning over a new leaf and starting new habits in January, here are a few ideas: – The Daily Inventory: as you go through your day, keep your trash. At the end of the day, lay it all out and see what you think. Was any of it avoidable? What changes, if any, do you want to make? Keep this up for one week, one month, or longer. – The Daily Gratitude: at the beginning or end of each day, make a list of all the material positions you are grateful to have. This is a gentle […]

New Year's Resolutions

It’s time to take action on climate change

by RICHARD MASON Special to the Democrat-Gazette | December 8, 2019 at 1:53 a.m. The inhabitants of our planet cannot continue along the same path we are now treading. If we do, there will be such a reduction in the quality of life for the peoples on the earth that life for huge parts of the population will be at risk. But as the 16-year-old young lady from Sweden Greta Thunberg said, “Adults don’t care.” She’s right. As one reporter wrote about her address to the United Nations, “She called them a bunch of jerks.” As Greta said to that […]

Don’t Separate Families

Don’t Separate Families ProtestThis Friday and every Friday rest of this yearFri Dec 6 – noon-1:00 – College and Dickson Streets Lots of people in Fayetteville see this is wrong. Quakers of Fayetteville are crazy enough to think you’re one of them. Come join them, rain or shine, every Friday until Christmas. The terrible situation on our border is getting more horrific. Fayetteville Quaker Meeting invites other concerned people to join them in reminding our community that this is not what our values can tollerate. Please wear white to the protest.

Next Steps on Drug Law Reform Needs You

Monday Dec 2 – 6:00 pm at St. Martin’s Student Union 814 W. Maple, Fayetteville. Parking in the back You’re invited to join Omni Students as they host Susie Cox for a training on how to be part of the cannabis petition campaign getting underway. Also meet some of the incredible new activists Omni gets to encourage.