New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

If you enjoy turning over a new leaf and starting new habits in January, here are a few ideas:

– The Daily Inventory: as you go through your day, keep your trash. At the end of the day, lay it all out and see what you think. Was any of it avoidable? What changes, if any, do you want to make? Keep this up for one week, one month, or longer.

– The Daily Gratitude: at the beginning or end of each day, make a list of all the material positions you are grateful to have. This is a gentle way of noticing just how much bounty you have, and sometimes it helps shift the focus away from the nagging feeling of needing more.

– The Daily Generosity: many resolutions are personal – eat healthier, exercise more, learn something new. This year, try something that focuses on others. Commit a small random act of kindness each day, or volunteer to help others, or learn how to care for the planet in a way you’ve never tried. Here is some inspiration from the United Nations: https://unfoundation. org/blog/post/new-years- resolutions-local-leaders/