Unlock Your Inner Climate Superhero! Here’s the Superhero roadmap!

Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming
Unlock Your Inner Climate Superhero! Here’s the Superhero roadmap!

The Drawdown Roadmap is a science-based strategy for accelerating climate solutions. It points to which climate actions governments, businesses, investors, philanthropists, community organizations, and others should prioritize to make the most of our efforts to stop climate change.

Here’s a TED Talk by Project Drawdown CEO Johnathan Foley from last March. He lays out Project Drawdown’s master plan – their Roadmap for Drawdown that they feel confident could effectively let us come to terms with the climate disaster we face.
Drawdown TED Talk by Johnathan Foley

Here is a link to the 5-part series Drawdown did to emphasize the solutions they see are most promising for a thriving future. Please check it out. And share it with your Congressman too, if you’re inclined. He may not have been listening before.
The Project Drawdown Roadmap

You can be a climate Superhero. find the real solutions for the problems you see and SHARE THEM! When your friends get sad about the state of the earth, HAVE A SOLUTION TO OFFER THEM. Find a group of people doing something – anything – positive and JOIN THEM. Be a superhero don’t give up.

These are solutions we CAN use to help our people and our planet survive and thrive again. It will take political and economic will. Where are the politicians willing to follow the Roadmap and guide our country there? Where are the businessmen who will step up to do what’s needed? The climate Superheroes are the people to push the solutions ahead. There is a way. A roadmap to success. Pushing our leaders to use the science we already have is the way to put ourselves on the road to thriving.
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