Turning the Real Conversation Transformative

Responses to last week’s survey: What’s you story about reopening, Omni folks?
Turning the Real Conversation Transformative

Thanks to the 25 folks who responded to last week’s survey Omni folks. Hope this can begin a conversation that progressives need to start having among ourselves.

Here are the responses y’all gave us. Does anything surprise youl in what others said here?

1.      “I’m ready now” 44% – Yes 66% –
No 2.      “Maybe Later” 90% – Yes 10% –
No 3.      “No Way” (this one was lots like Number 1 so some people skipped it) 44.44% – Yes 55.54% – No

One of the more colorful responses was:

“The measures are idiotic. Only surgical masks provide protection, not the ones everyone has access to. Closing businesses does not work, if people want to eat out, they will, even if it is in a park after ordering….”

Others were more descriptive than editorial

“When the # of new cases goes down instead of continuing to climb, then I will be ready to go out again as before.”

“Evidence that the community is following safe physical distancing and mask wearing to protect the most vulnerable, and that the curve is flattened here. That’s not happening

The responses fit into 3 basic categories.  

1.      Wait – let the numbers go down and do more tests (3/4th of respondents)
2.      We’ll be ready when there’s a vaccine
3.      The whole thing is crazy

The Omni Board agrees with you friends.  We miss every one of y’all and the lovely, warm and informative get-togethers we did pre-covid. But like you, we want the numbers to go down, the testing to go up, a vaccine to appear, and the crazy to end.

 We also believe that the real conversation needs to be about what kind of world we want to see when the virus finally fades.Please take our survey about that in next week’s newsletter, friends.
Stay safe and healthy Omni folks.