Pronouns: a Trans and Non-Binary Group Show

Fri May 7, Sat May 8 – 5:00 pm
Fenix Gallery, Miller Hall Mount Sequoyah

May 7, Friday, 5-7pm, Fenix Arts presents “Pronouns: a Trans and Non-Binary Group Show”
Opening Reception. The purpose of this show is to give one of many marginalized groups an opportunity to share their artwork as well as participate in a discussion. Being seen, being heard and possibly understood, leads to cultural inclusivity. Art educates. Art heals.  Listen to a segment about the show and panel on Ozarks at Large.

Free, but limited capacity due to Covid restrictions. Info on Facebook:

May 8, Saturday, 6-9pm Trans Panel at Fenix Art Gallery
Part of the “Pronouns: a Trans and Non-Binary Group Show.” The panel discussion will highlight personal stories about the artists’ creative process and how it reflects their gender preferences and transition. Q&A responses will be available to the public. Free, but tickets required. Info on Facebook: