Open Mic Night!

Sunday Dec 5 – 7:00 pmIn Person at Omni!Covid safety in mind! Stay tuned!
Greetings Omni folks,
Dec. Open Mic is right around the corner. My how time flies! We will be hosting at the Omni Center Sunday, Dec. 5th at 7:00 as usual…at least for as long as everyone feels safe. The numbers of covid cases are climbing here in Arkansas…we hope everyone that comes is vaxxed, for the safety of all. I wish we had the where-with-all to do both LIVE an ZOOM of open mic but we are not that savvy.
Maybe sharing songs about winter, solstice, holidays???? (Not specifically Christmas Carols…but along the line of this season. PEACE ON EARTH…RIGHT???
Hope to see you there with BELLS ON. (Of course…any song or poem is welcome…doesn’t need to fit the theme.)
Donna and Kelly 3274 N. Lee Ave.
Covid precautions: As weather and covid safety permit, events will be held outdoors on the patio and socially distanced. Indoor events need to be smaller than before covid and distanced. Please be vaxxed, wear masks and plan to give each other plenty of room to feel safe. If you’re not feeling well stay home, of course.