Open Mic for February is different

Open Mic February

Sunday Feb 5 – 7:00 pm – Omni

Maybe this is a covid thing. February is usually a Black History Month, or a Valentine Hearts thing. This year the idea that comes to the mind of Donna Mulhollan (that major source of cultural inspiration around here) is about death, or “crossing over”. There’ve been several of those in Omni already this year I sorry to say. In the wake of covid we need some new thinking about that, and art, music and culture have things to say that can nurture new understanding and deeper care about such a difficult part of life.

Here’s what Donna says:

A couple months ago we decided to have the theme of the Feb. Open Mic be about Crossing/Death and Dying, this is a subject that has been taboo in our culture and it should not be. Years ago we had this very theme for our annual WINTER CONCERT at Good Folk and we thought that it would not be well attended but it was amazing.”

Please don’t let the theme of dying put you off. Open Mic is always a spiritual experience for attenders. Our great local musicians consistently come up with music that feeds the soul, and this session will likely be beautiful too.

Very recent and especially close are the passing of dear friends Karen Chotkowski, and Jo Bennett. But there are so many more. If you’ve had a death in your circle of loved ones, you’re especially invited to join this gathering for the celebration of life.

,Karen Chotkowski
Jo Bennett

Left: Donna Mulhollan, Karen Chotkowski (Jan 6, 2023) and friend, working on an environ-mental Greta Thunberg art piece only days before Karen’s passing. She lived fully and joyfully.

Right: Jo Bennett (Feb 18, 2023). Charming woman, former spouse and life-long friend of Omni founder Dick Bennett.

Love and blessing to all those dear spirits who go before us.