Managing Post-Election Anxiety

A helpful article from Yes! Magazine

Nationally the election went reasonably well. In Arkansas and Washington County we’re contending with a different elephant. Our political situation became more complex on several levels.

As progressives in a red state we sit in the middle of a target anyway. This election reminded us that we have a lot of conservative neighbors. With opinions. Now we know how far we have to go to say we’re communicating with them. For some of us there may be opportunities to bridge these gaps that need to be addressed.

That may seem like less than a fun task. So, whatever we decide our next work is, a critical part will be a solid focus on self-reflection and self care,. Not only is that more pleasant than connecting to conservatives sometimes, it’s lays a basis for strong community and powerful work to bridge the gaping black holes in our understanding of each other.

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Managing Post-Election Anxiety