Juneteenth History and Upcoming Events

So much good stuff is happening in June. Here’s a post from friend Elizabeth with some fun links about Juneteenth history that you’ll enjoy…

I just listened to the 3rd Beloved Community podcast on KUAF, the ‘Celebrating the History and Evolution of Juneteenth’ one, and it was helpful to hear some local perspectives. You have probably heard it, but here’s the link just in case it might be useful.


I am learning – we didn’t really know anything about Juneteenth until a few short years ago, and it’s been celebrated in the Black community for so long.

One other article I read was from The Root, here’s the link from 2021 when the day was first declared a federal holiday:




Here are activities for Juneteenth Weekend !

Freedom Fest Saturday and other local events


Volunteer Opportunities are always fun
