Housing Crisis Report

What happened at City Hall last Tuesday?


That’s not the whole story, but the outcome of the city council process was that the housing crisis resolution was tabled to clarify several versions that had emerged.

Over 30 people gave impactful testimony about their own struggles with housing in the city we all love. You could see that Councilors were moved. But the discussion afterword broke down in confusion that needed stronger moderation to create clarity.

What happens next is that the Fayetteville assistant attorney agreed to take the four different versions of the resolution and combine them into a draft that the council will study next Tuesday in the regular agenda session. At this meeting there is no public comment, but the public can attend and observe.

The following Tuesday at the regular Council meeting the revised resolution will be considered and voted on.

what can you do to help encourage passage of a strong housing resolution?

Contact your own city councilor before Tuesday’s meeting, and ask them to support a resolution that takes real action to make truly affordable housing a reality in Fayetteville. This is not an unreasonable ask. There is a low-income housing crisis here, and it’s time we all started talking about it.

Please plan to attend the agenda session, Tuesday March 26, 5:30 pm City Hall


Regular City Council meeting Tuesday April 2, 5:30 pm also City Hall