
Election Warriors still needed in Fayetteville

What can you do to help Arkansas stand up to the right-wing challenge? Poll Watchers are needed in some of our 56 polling places. Poll Watching has been pretty calm in previous elections. Since we’re not a swing state it may remain that way again. But it’s very important that both major parties have watchers available in the event that something does happen. In charge of recruiting and training Poll Watchers for the Democratic Party can be reached at this email. There’s a brief training, and you’d be assigned to a particular polling place. It’s a community service that can […]

Special on Issue #2

help you neighbors prep too! BallotReady from Ballotpedia An important issue on the ballot this year is Measure #2 – “The Supermajority Vote Requirement”. This measure was proposed and placed on the ballot by super-conservative legislators last year. They don’t like it that Arkansas has a strong method to give citizen voices in Issues like a higher minimum wage, or approval of medical marijuana, for instance. Clearly very important to regular people, but disapproved of by certain groups. You probably noticed that the legislature was very annoyed by the minimum wage measure. Remember how they tried to scratch that […]

Ballot Measures… Politics in Arkansas not getting better yet

There are several ballot measures on the November ballot that Arkansans need to be aware of, and most are not good ones. They’re all worded to confuse us, of course. Here’s the run-down. Special Election and first of the issues on the ballot: Jail Expansion – .25% sales tax for both issues, $113,500,000.00! Jail expansion should be the LAST option for reducing the jail population, not the ONLY option. But that’s what our sheriff thinks. And the Quorum Court majority slavishly agrees.  VOTE NO. Juvenile Court – included in 25% sales tax but can be voted on separately. $28,500,000.00. This issue is […]