Ballot Measures… Politics in Arkansas not getting better yet

There are several ballot measures on the November ballot that Arkansans need to be aware of, and most are not good ones. They’re all worded to confuse us, of course. Here’s the run-down.

Special Election and first of the issues on the ballot:

Jail Expansion – .25% sales tax for both issues, $113,500,000.00! Jail expansion should be the LAST option for reducing the jail population, not the ONLY option. But that’s what our sheriff thinks. And the Quorum Court majority slavishly agrees.  VOTE NO.

Juvenile Court – included in 25% sales tax but can be voted on separately. $28,500,000.00. This issue is not challenged. The court has demonstrated a reasonable need for this new facility. Please vote your own conscience on this measure.

Issues on the ballot:

Issue 1 – Title: “A Constitutional Amendment to Allow the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tem of the Senate to Call a Special Session…” Seems to be a way for the Trump faction to control the legislature. Please vote NO

Issues 2 – Title: “Constitutional and Ballot Reform Initiative.” Being presented as a protection, but it’s raising the minimum requirement for a ballot initiative to be approved to make it harder for the people to pass ballot initiatives. Ballot initiatives are one of our few chances of regaining influence in Arkansas politics and it’s an effective enough option that they’re trying to limit it.  VOTE NO

Issue 3 – Title: “The Arkansas Religious Freedom Amendment”. As if that’s not scary enough, Arkansas ACLU says this about this issue: “The Arkansas Religious Freedom Amendment (ARFA) – on the ballot as Issue 3 – would make a radical change to the state Constitution that would subject Arkansans to harmful forms of discrimination. The consequences of this measure would be severe and far-reaching, giving people a basis to challenge and exempt themselves from virtually any state law, civil or criminal.” Yikes.  VOTE NO!