
Homeless Solutions Partners announces new speaker series

Thurs Feb 1 – 6:30 pm – Omni Center Yes, homelessness in Northwest Arkansas is complicated. But there are ways we can help homeless neighbors who need it badly. Homeless Solutions Partners wants you to join them to get the real story of what’s going on and how to help. On Feb 1 the director of the Continuum of Care — Director Debbie Martin, brings information. CoC is the group who brings HUD dollars to nonprofits and cities to help homelessness. Debbie will talk about CoC’s work. What they do, and how caring people can help. One of CoC’s jobs […]

Homeless Solutions: Patching the Cracks in the broken system

Homelessness is a complex system of needs and greeds that can’t be fixed with a few patches. But that’s were we are right now. We do what we can and learn from the experience. A group of concerned Omni folks and friends are holding meetings about solutions to this very wicked problem bubbling up over our area, and a newsletter about their work will be launching in January. If you’d like to receive the Homeless Solutions Post to find out what solutions are emerging, please drop a note to omni@omnicenter.org and say “put me on the “Solutions” list. More inspiration: […]