Climate Memo Mondays

Climate Memo Mondays, #55, December 27, 2021

Climate Memo Mondays, #55, December 27, 2021: Planetary Catastrophe, Resistance in BostonContentsAlfred McCoy, Global Warming, and Twenty-First Century Catastrophe.Militaries are huge contributors to climate collapse.But Boston’s Green New Deal: mitigation, adaptation, resilience. Fifty CCMs Link Alfred McCoy.  To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change.  Haymarket, 2021.  Comment by Dick Bennett, 12-26-21.       This is probably the first geopolitical history of the world oriented beginning and ending by the climate catastrophe, written to answer the question, where is the US now in this history of conquest and ruin?      The history begins with a Chronology of World Orders, […]

50. Climate Memo Mondays, 50TH CMM, November 22, 2021

50.   Climate Memo Mondays,  50TH CMM, November 22, 2021 CLIMATE:  ADAPTATION and RESILIENCE, a note by Dick Bennett These books offer new constructive ways of living with the reality of diminishing possibility of reversing the damage humans have done to Earth.  They seek ways of holding onto hope in the face of devastating loss. Contents Jem Bendell and  Rupert Read, Eds.  Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos.  Polity Press, 2021.William deBuys. The Trail to Kanjiroba: Rediscovering Earth in an Age of Loss.  Penguin Random House (7 Stories), 2021.  Johnson and Wilkinson, eds.  All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, […]

47. OMNI Climate Memo Mondays, November 1, 2021

ContentsCOP 26 CountdownNoam Chomsky and Stan Cox COP26, UN CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE Glasgow, October 31 to November 1 2, 2021OMNI Glasgow Countdown, 10-22/31-21 ContentsScience for Peace, 10-22; Climate Hawks, 10-25; Atomic Scientists, 10-25; UN Wire, 10-25; ADG, 10-26; World Beyond War, 10-29; Senator Ed Markey, 10-30; Avaaz:  Greta Thunberg, 10-31; UNAC and Global Network: Convergence of Space, Militarization, and the Climate Crisis, 10-31. Noam Chomsky and Stan Cox on the Warming PlanetTomgram: Noam Chomsky and Stan Cox, Before It’s Too Late TomDispatch via 10-24-21 4:13 PM (53 minutes ago) Noam Chomsky and Stan Cox, Before It’s Too Late October 24, 2021 To […]

44. OMNI: Climate Memo Mondays, #44, October 11, 2021

44.  OMNI:  Climate Memo Mondays, #44, 44.  OMNI:  Climate Memo Mondays, #44, October 11, 2021 Dick, Heinberg’s Power on Population Growth Peakin, Meaning of “Metabolic Rift” Aarjan, North Must Learn from Global South RICHARD HEINBERG’S NEW BOOK POWER ON OVERPOPULATION/CONSUMPTION      Heinberg has no doubt regarding the significance of population in two sections: “Overpopulation and Overconsumption” (pp,. 238-242) and “Population: Lowering It and Keeping It Steady” (337-41).          “Population growth makes every environmental crisis harder to address. . . .the more children we have now, the more human suffering is likely. . . .” (240-41).  “At the US average amount of consumption, we […]


ANDREAS MALM Books on Capitalism, Politics, and Climate Fossil Capital.    2016The Progress of This Storm: Nature and Society in a Warming World.  2018.Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First Century.  2020.With the Zerkin Collective.  White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Dangers of Fossil Fascism.  Verso, 2021. Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming by Andreas Malm.  Verso, 2016.Publisher’s description How capitalism first promoted fossil fuels with the rise of steam power The more we know about the catastrophic implications of climate change, the more fossil fuels we burn. How did we end […]

42. Climate Memo Mondays, September 27, 2021

42.   Climate Memo Mondays, September 27, 2021 Books by MARK LYNAS[High Tide: The Truth About Our Climate Crisis (2004). Picador.  (384 pages).Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet (2007; 2008 in USA).  (358 pages).Carbon Counter (2010). Collins.  (192 pages).The God Species: Saving the Planet in the Age of Humans (2011). National       Geographic.  (288 pages).Nuclear 2.0: Why a Green Future Needs Nuclear Power (2013).  (112 pages).Our Final Warning: Six Degrees of Climate Emergency (2020).. Fourth      Estate (2020. Mark Lynas’ “Six Degrees” books on climate catastropheSix Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet.  2008.Our Final Warning: Six Degrees of Climate Emergency.  2020. Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter […]

39. Climate Memo Mondays, September 6, 2021

39.  Climate Memo Mondays, September 6, 2021 The IPCC/Greta Test  Kate Aronoff.  Overheated      Several decades ago the IPCC scientists began to warn us of the extraordinary changes that were already happening in our climate and therefore weather, as the temperature rose worldwide.    At first populations and governments responded with knowledge and vigor.  But unregulated, subsidized fossil fuels companies’ denial and disinformation succeeded in putting that knowledge in doubt and few governments did anything meaningful.          Then on June 1, 2017 Pres. Trump withdrew the US from the Paris Accords.   Temperature was rising, weather was becoming more extreme, and catastrophe was palpable […]

37.  Climate Memo Mondays, August 23, 2021

37.  Climate Memo Mondays, August 23, 2021 ContentsCoveringclimatenow.orgAvaaz,  UN Biodiversity Summit in October on the extinction crisis, and just a few weeks later, the UN Climate Summit to secure new national commitments.UN Biodiversity Summit, Oct. 11UN Climate Summit, Nov. 1 An excellent source of current events and ideas on climate:801 PULITZER HALL2950 BROADWAYNEW YORK, NY HEAT The last generation Huiting Hsu – Avaaz via  Jul 20, 2021, 11:05 PM (10 hours ago) Dear friends, This isn’t global warming anymore. It’s global scorching. Our world is hotter now than any time in recorded history, unleashing a firestorm of heatwaves, megadroughts, […]