Grace Blakeley.  Turning the Earth into money w/ John Bellamy Foster.” 
Alberto Garzón Espinosa.  “The Limits to Growth: Ecosocialism or Barbarism.”
Drew Costley and Matthew Brown.  “Study says carbon’s costs undercounted

Humans and Nature under Capitalism

Grace Blakeley.  Turning the Earth into money w/ John Bellamy Foster.”  Mronline.org (posted May 12). 

Grace talks to John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon and editor of Monthly Review. They discuss Marx’s theory of nature and the relationship between humanity and nature under capitalism.   (For the interview, click the title.  See Sparrow, Crimes Against Nature.)

WHEN DID WE KNOW? (that the house was on fire)
Alberto Garzón Espinosa.  “The Limits to Growth: Ecosocialism or Barbarism.”  (Jul 01, 2022)


Alberto Garzón Espinosa is an economist, leader of United Left Party (Spain), and minister of consumer affairs in the Spanish government.

This article is part of a project of the Party of the European Left. It is adapted from an article by the same title published on April 20, 2022 by LaU: Revista de Cultura y Pensamiento.

It has now been fifty years since the scientist Donella Meadows led the publication of a report titled The Limits to Growth, which aimed to analyze the physical impacts of economic growth patterns on the planet. A computer model was used for the assessment, which looked at, among other things, the effect of economic exploitation on soils, the exhaustion of non-renewable resources such as minerals, and the resulting climate distortions. Various scenarios were put forward, the worst case being that, if no action were taken to correct the trajectory being followed at the time, industrial society would collapse in the mid–twenty-first century.

The report became an international reference point and highlighted the ecological consequences of the dynamics of growth that, until then, had been seen as positive. The scientific team’s model, together with its findings, was nevertheless fiercely contested by economists.1 (continued)

Drew Costley and Matthew Brown.  “Study says carbon’s costs undercounted .’  Dam­age at 3.6 times U.S.’ stan­dard.”  Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Sept. 02, 2022).  Read more…  https://ao.pressreader.com/article/282892324477071   Forwarded by  Pat Snyder.