Monthly Archives: March 2024

Housing Crisis Report

What happened at City Hall last Tuesday? Nothing. That’s not the whole story, but the outcome of the city council process was that the housing crisis resolution was tabled to clarify several versions that had emerged. Over 30 people gave impactful testimony about their own struggles with housing in the city we all love. You could see that Councilors were moved. But the discussion afterword broke down in confusion that needed stronger moderation to create clarity. What happens next is that the Fayetteville assistant attorney agreed to take the four different versions of the resolution and combine them into a […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett. Yale Climate ConnectionsPeter Sainsbury. The Wealthy, the Poor, and Climate Change.Haaken and Praus.   “A two-part documentary on climate resistance.”   Selections from This week on Yale Climate Connections, February 26 – March 1, 2024. ·Zombie climate myths that refuse to die (feat. Bob Henson) .  Michael Mann beat his defamers. But climate scientists are still under attack. We must cut carbon from industry. Here’s how we can do it. What’s behind this winter’s U.S. snow drought? [except in Tahoe! In March]. “The wealthy cause climate change; the poor suffer its consequences.  Editor. (2-28-24).  Published in […]


2024 Compiled by Dick Bennett Peacemaking, PeacemakersJust Foreign PolicyVeterans for PeaceInternational Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Just Foreign PolicyJames R. The American people want to see an immediate ceasefire in occupied Palestine, and our pressure for peace is working. Just days ago, Vice President Kamala Harris gave a statement calling for an immediate six-week ceasefire—the first time the administration has used this language. But the Biden administration needs to put its money where its mouth is – if the U.S. does nothing to hold Israel and Netanyahu accountable, then nothing will change. With Netanyahu threatening to invade Rafah and […]

The Climate Moment

Stories from this unique moment on Earth ….  What’s happening with the climate?! Diane Shisk, Reevaluation Counseling leader, wrote: “The next few years are a critical time for action on the climate emergency. We all want to stay informed, stay hopeful, and stay active. To help with that, we’ve developed a resource: What’s Happening with the Climate? “ Check it out! It has updates on “The Good News” and “The Bad News,” with a short summary and a link to more information if you want to go deep. Great conversation starters, stories, and examples of actions people are taking in other places.”


 Compiled by Dick Bennett CALLS FOR AWARE AND RESPONSIVE CITIZENS Climate Awareness: Ireland and USA.Neta C. Crawford.  The Pentagon, Climate Change, and War. CLIMATE AWARENESS: IRELAND AND USAYale Program on Climate Change Communication (3-7-24).The Irish Environmental Protection Agency commissioned the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication to help them conduct a nationally representative survey on public climate change awareness.  A few highlights with comparisons with USA: · 95% of the Irish people think climate change is happening. By contrast, our latest national survey in the U.S. found that 72% of Americans think global warming is happening. (Note: The term “climate change” was used […]

CONVERGENCE OF CATASTROPHES WARS AND WARMING, ANTHOLOGY #1 Compiled by Dick Bennett, for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology March 8, 2024 HTTPS://OMNICENTER.ORG/DONATE What’s at Stake:   These essays reveal how rapidly and significantly awareness has grown world-wide of the full scope of increasing, intensifying, interrelated problems.   But not so much in the US.   ― Thomas Hardy RESISTING DOOM of CONVERGING CATASTROPHES CLIMATE CHANGE EMERGENCY THE SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS NOWAnd our stance should be??   4-15-23      Dante in “The Inferno” places fence-sitters (one translation) just outside Hell, stung eternally by swarming wasps.   Another translation renders the word opportunists.      If nuclear weapons and global warming each alone threatens our […]

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #167, March 6, 2024   Compiled by Dick Bennett Peacemakers’ Responsibility: If We Fail to Prevent a War, then We Must Stop the War. War in Ukraine: MAKING SENSE OF A SENSELESS CONFLICT byMEDEA BENJAMIN and NICOLAS J.S. DAVIES.    An important antidote to war propaganda” — Mairead McGuire, activist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize .     50% off “Aaron Bushnell’s Divine Violence”  read by Eunice Wong. Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation against the Gaza genocide was ultimately a religious act, one that radically delineates good and evil and calls us to resist. CHRIS HEDGES Report.    .MAR 2, 2024. In Case You Missed These Episodes:  Catching Up […]