Monthly Archives: November 2023

Who is Grant Peeples?

“He’s the musician walking most closely in Woody Guthrie’s footsteps” Greg Johnson, The Blue Door  Grant will be performing at the OMNI Center Tuesday December 5 – at 7pm. $20 Seating will be limited. For advance reservations call Jody 479.761.3202 or email him A self-described “tree-hugger that watches NASCAR,” Grant Peeples is known for his axe-sharp socio-political tunes, raucous humor and heart-gigging ballads. Really interesting preview of his style at the link: He is the recipient of the Focus Foundation Award for Creative Excellence, which cited the “humor, compassion and wisdom of his songs,” and their “unflinching social insight […]

Grant Peeples

GAZA ANTHOLOGIES # 12November 16, 2023

OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI GAZA ANTHOLOGIES # 12 November 16, 2023 (    Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology. (#1: 3-3-08; #2 Nov. 16, 2012; #3 Nov. 17, 2013; #4 May 31, 2014; #5 July 28, 2014; #6 August 30, 2014; #7 April 8, 2015; #8 May 13, 2021; #9, October 15, 2023; #10, October 23, 2023; #11, Nov. 4 and Nov. 7, 2k023). [Note on #11.  A short version of 9 articles appeared Nov. 4, a fuller version of 32 articles was published Nov. 7 ) CONTENTS #12 Part […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #153, NOVEMBER 13, 2023 From Naomi Klein to Greta Thunberg: Education, Individual Change, Action  May 14, 2023Mothers on Six Continents Demand Action to Protect Children From Climate Crisis“If we don’t act now, it will be too late,” one mom warned. “I could not live with myself, as a mother, as a doctor, and as a human being, if we didn’t do all we can to try and bring about the much-needed systemic change.”  Greta Thunberg.  The Climate Book.  Penguin, 2023.Ms. Thunberg grouped the essays of her anthology into five parts, and each Part into three to five parts, writing an introduction for each […]

Native American History Month

The Climate Moment …. What’s happening around the world about climate? Selected moments from the collection of Reevaluation Counseling leader Russ Vernon-Jones and shared by local Omni member Dorothy Marcy n the spirit of what is going well here are some ways that Indigenous peoples continue to care for this Earth and support her ability to care for us her children. Hydroelectric dams along the Trinity and Klamath Rivers in Northern California, USA are being disasssembled, taken apart and dismantled. The impact of the 4 dams over many years has reduced the number and survival of Salmon which in turn […]

Emerging Homeless Solutions

People Who Believe in Happiness Live Here Community First Village is that sweet tiny home village near Austin where formerly homeless people live along with non-formerly-homeless folks in a community that Sonia Harvey said is a “one big pool of love.” This little video give you a glimpse of one of its neighborhoods in action. Community Happens Here Fayetteville’s problems with homelessness would get better with police sweeps. There are deep structural problems that need to be addressed. There are people and groups who want to do something positive to do that. Would you like to be among them? Drop […]

ThanksLiving Potluck Dinner

Friday Nov 19 – 6:00 pm – Omni Center 3274 N Lee Ave. Fayetteville, AR (Note change in time) Come join us for our Thanksliving holiday celebration dinner! Though eating vegan, vegetarian and plant based has become more accepted and adopted these days than ever before and recommended by many health professionals (see Forks Over Knives, Eating You Alive, The Game Changers) to prevent and often reverse life threatening illnesses, as well as reducing greenhouse gases, pollution and animal suffering, many of us who are have a difficult time at Thanksgiving and other holiday dinners this season. Often, it’s meager […]

Omni Statement on War in Israel / Gaza

OMNI unequivocally stands with our Jewish and Muslim community members and neighbors, and vows to be a space of refuge for all. We stand against bias in our community and condemn those who wish to stereotype others and perpetuate hate/violence.   OMNI unequivocally stands against Hamas and all those who enrich and support them. The slaughter of human beings is never a move towards justice and Hamas is a danger to both the Israeli and Palestinian people. We understand that people are not their government. OMNI unequivocally stands with the Palestinian people and all oppressed people around the globe. There is […]


Preventing and Stopping War Don Timmerman.  The Gospels v. WarRon Ridenour.  Ted Hall Sharing Secrets v. Nuclear World War IIIDmitri Kovalevich.   Hope for Peace Post-Ukraine War Choosing Peacemakers as Our Leaders“Dorothy Day of the Catholic Worker said that there is no need of any special theology of peace. You just need to look at what the gospel asks and what war does.The gospel asks that we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome the homeless, visit the prisoner, and perform the works of mercy. War does the opposite. It makes my neighbor hungry, thirsty, homeless, […]