Daily Archives: November 17, 2023

World Beyond War billboard campaign

3% of military budget feeds the world Ending starvation across the globe entails redirecting a miniscule portion of an inordinate budget currently set aside to perpetuate wars worldwide. It is not a question of where the money can be found, but how it’s being used. Militarism is escalating at truly horrifying rates across the world, and millions upon millions of people are being displaced and left without reliable access to food and water. And to think, such a small amount of this spending could be used to turn the world in a course opposite to what we’re currently witnessing. Whether […]

Urgent Call for Peace in the Middle East

Rev Dr. Liz Theoharis Yes Magazine, Nov 9 2023 …Eight days after 9/11, as the leaders of both parties were already pounding a frenzied drumbeat of war, a diverse group of concerned Americans released a warning about the long-term consequences of a military response. Among them were veteran civil rights activists, faith leaders, and public intellectuals, including Rosa Parks, Harry Belafonte, and Palestinian-American Edward Said. Rare public opponents of the drive to war at the time, they wrote with level-headed clarity:“We foresee that a military response would not end the terror. Rather, it would spark a cycle of escalating violence, the loss […]

Who is Grant Peeples?

“He’s the musician walking most closely in Woody Guthrie’s footsteps” Greg Johnson, The Blue Door  Grant will be performing at the OMNI Center Tuesday December 5 – at 7pm. $20 Seating will be limited. For advance reservations call Jody 479.761.3202 or email him JodyThom@pgtc.com A self-described “tree-hugger that watches NASCAR,” Grant Peeples is known for his axe-sharp socio-political tunes, raucous humor and heart-gigging ballads. Really interesting preview of his style at the link:  https://youtu.be/hUujIPnnfus He is the recipient of the Focus Foundation Award for Creative Excellence, which cited the “humor, compassion and wisdom of his songs,” and their “unflinching social insight […]

Grant Peeples

GAZA ANTHOLOGIES # 12November 16, 2023

OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI GAZA ANTHOLOGIES # 12 November 16, 2023 (jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com)    Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology. (#1: 3-3-08; #2 Nov. 16, 2012; #3 Nov. 17, 2013; #4 May 31, 2014; #5 July 28, 2014; #6 August 30, 2014; #7 April 8, 2015; #8 May 13, 2021; #9, October 15, 2023; #10, October 23, 2023; #11, Nov. 4 and Nov. 7, 2k023). http://omnicenter.org/donate/ [Note on #11.  A short version of 9 articles appeared Nov. 4, a fuller version of 32 articles was published Nov. 7 https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2023/11/gaza-cease-fire-rally-gather-at-court.html ) CONTENTS #12 Part […]