Monthly Archives: June 2023

Visiting Author Diana Goetsch speaks in Fayetteville

June 18 – 3:00 pm – Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 109 W. Cleveland Invitation from Rev. Stevie Gaines You’re invited to a free event at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 18. It will be in the Unitarian Universalist sanctuary, followed by refreshments. Award-winning author Diana Goetsch from New York will speak about transgender history, identity, awareness, and allyship; and there will be time for conversation. Diana is a poet and essayist. She’s the author of eight collections of poems, the “Life in Transition” blog at The American Scholar, and the acclaimed memoir This Body I Wore. Her writing has appeared in The New Yorker, Poetry, The […]

Juneteenth History and Upcoming Events

So much good stuff is happening in June. Here’s a post from friend Elizabeth with some fun links about Juneteenth history that you’ll enjoy… I just listened to the 3rd Beloved Community podcast on KUAF, the ‘Celebrating the History and Evolution of Juneteenth’ one, and it was helpful to hear some local perspectives. You have probably heard it, but here’s the link just in case it might be useful. I am learning – we didn’t really know anything about Juneteenth until a few short years ago, and it’s been celebrated in the Black community for so long. One other article […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #130, JUNE 14, 2023. ( ·       Melvin Goodman.  Corporate Media’s Support for Militarism  ·       Abel.  Peacemakers’ ad in NYT. [Both pro-war and pro-peace enrich the NYT!] ·       MR Editors .  “The United States of War.”    Melvin Goodman.   “The Mainstream Media’s Unwillingness to Challenge U.S. Militarization.”  Counterpunch (JUNE 2, 2023).    FacebookTwitterRedditEmail The Washington Post finally conceded in an editorial last week that the United States must “spend smarter” when it comes to defense.  Instead of looking for ways to cut defense spending, however, the Post simply wants to spend differently.  It favors more spending on conventional […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #131, JUNE 12, 2023 ( ·       Tomgram.  “Jane Braxton Little, Climate Migrants .” ·       JANE BRAXTON LITTLE.     “Looking for Home in an Overheating World.” TOMGRAM   TOMDISPATCH “Jane Braxton Little, Climate Migrants in a Hell on Earth.” POSTED ON JUNE 4, 2023 Uh-oh, my city’s sinking. I’m not kidding! According to a new study, New York City, my hometown, is all too literally going down, thanks to those vertiginous towers, including the Empire State Building, constructed on land some of which was sandy and is now giving way. All those Manhattan skyscrapers and the like […]

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #129, JUNE 7,  2023 Solomon.  War Made Possible by corporate mainstream media.TomDispatch. Andrew Bacevich.  What “victory” for Ukrainians might mean.Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies.  Stop the Ukraine War Now.Women Cross DMZ: 2023 Korea Peace Advocacy Week. Why do most US citizens accept the US Empire and its wars?  Norman Solomon argues in War Made Possible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine (2023) that the corporate mainstream media and US political leaders conceal the tragic consequences of war.  US leaders have perpetuated war since WWII by distancing the public from the killing and costs via high tech warmaking, and via […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #130, JUNE 5, 2023 Thom Hartmann.  Nationalize the Fossil Fuels Industry.David Schwartzman.  China’s peace plan, ceasefire in the Ukraine war, negotiations.  Dick.  Rabbis: study leading to action. THOM HARTMANN.   “Will There Ever Be a Criminal Trial for the People Wilfully Destroying Life on Earth?”  Common Dreams.    May 29, 2023.[Hartmann makes a case for nationalizing the fossil fuels industry.   Here is the conclusion of his article. To read the entire article go to   Thanks to Fran for sending Hartmann’s excellent argument.  –Dick] Thomas M. Hanna, Director of Research at The Democracy Collaborative and author of Our Common Wealth: The Return of Public Ownership in the United States, […]


USA-NATO-UKRAINE-RUSSIA COMPILED BY DICK BENNETT FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, AND ECOLOGY HTTPS://OMNICENTER.ORG/DONATE OMNI ANTHOLOGIES ON SOVIET UNION/RUSSIA  Each of these items will lead you to the other anthologies as of  May 2023. RUSSIA (Newsletter) ANTHOLOGY  #10, January 28, 2022 ANTHOLOGY #2, March 3, 2023 WAR ANTHOLOGY #28, February 18, 2023 WAR ANTHOLOGY #29 WAR ANTHOLOGY #30, June 4, 2023 Number of articles in first 18 Ukraine War Anthologies, 2014-2022:306.  From #19-28 = 189.  Total in 28 Anthologies: 495.  The quantity is an important point.  Clearly, contrary to the presentation of the war by the US and NATO, there […]

National Pollinator Week, June 19 – 25, 2022

National Pollinator Week is an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health. Your Climate Victory Garden does just that! It’s a time to celebrate pollinators and spread the word about what we can do to protect them.  See the entire series on Climate Victory Gardens at the YouTube channel: Climate Victory Gardens