Daily Archives: February 3, 2023

Monthly Time Exchange Potluck

Weds Feb 8 – 6:00 pm – Omni January got iced out, and there was no internet to inform you. But we’re pretty sure you couldn’t have made it there anyway. Just one of those things about living with climate change. This month’s potluck is coming up soon. Next Wednesday Feb 8. It’s a new time of the month. The Exchange Advisory Corps starts the new year with a shift in the schedule. We’re hoping Wednesday will work for you. Please bring a dish to share and enjoy re-connecting with old and new friends. If it would be fun for […]

Open Mic for February is different

Open Mic February Sunday Feb 5 – 7:00 pm – Omni Maybe this is a covid thing. February is usually a Black History Month, or a Valentine Hearts thing. This year the idea that comes to the mind of Donna Mulhollan (that major source of cultural inspiration around here) is about death, or “crossing over”. There’ve been several of those in Omni already this year I sorry to say. In the wake of covid we need some new thinking about that, and art, music and culture have things to say that can nurture new understanding and deeper care about such […]


COLLECTED BY DICK BENNETT FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, AND ECOLOGY The history of US anticommunism has been voluminously reported;  the following selection has been randomly collected. CONTENTS Books (I have ask UAF’s Mullins Library to order them) Dominic Basulto. Russophobia : How Western Media Turns Russia Into the Enemy.  2015.    Dan Kovalik.  The Plot to Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Putin.   2017. Guy Mettan.  From the Great Religious Schism to Anti-Putin Hysteria.  2017.   Articles Anti-Russian sentiment. Wikipedia Russia Hating.  The Nation. Biden Administration’s National Security Strategy.  The Editors.  Monthly […]