Yearly Archives: 2022

US LAWLESSNESS ANTHOLOGY #2, September 11, 2022 COMPILED BY DICK BENNETT FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, AND ECOLOGY (#1, 4-24-17) LAWLESSNESS ANTHOLOGY #2 CONTENTSUnited Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.  “’Suicidal’ war on nature.”Samuel Totten (Editor). Dirty Hands and Vicious Deeds:The US Government’s Complicity in Crimes against Humanity and Genocide.World Beyond War.  “Enough is Enough. BDS the US.”Dick.  Lawlessness and Lying. US PresidentsRichard Painter, Peter Golenbock.   American Nero: The History of the Destruction of the Rule of Law, and Why Trump Is the Worst Offender.Dahlia Lithwick.  “Defending the Rule of Law in the Trump Era.” US WARSBrett Wilkins.  “Jimmy Carter.   US ‘Most Warlike Nation in History of the World’.”Bob […]

Time Exchange Update

Stories from the field Last week a new time banker groaned that she needed somebody to just TELL her if her car would survive the drive from Fayetteville to Denver. We nudged her to put it out to the Time Exchange and see if somebody who knew that kind of thing would respond. Fortunately there a response, and he could reassure her that her car was sound for the trip. He tossed in a bit more information about what to watch for in the future. And he earned 1.5 hours of time credits for it. You’re always invited to come […]

Get ready for the Elections

Help you neighbors prep too! BallotReady from Ballotpedia More information than you ever guessed, right where you can find it. Be ready for election day, and ready to help your friends be ready too. ection

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #90, September 7, 2022 The Art of Un-War.  Krzysztof Wodiczko’s films and public interventions against militarization and war.Chris Hedges on the Collapse of Civilizations. Videos The Art Of Un-War          New Day Films Play Video Renowned artist Krzysztof Wodiczko has practiced socially engaged art for over five decades and  has dedicated his life and art in denouncing militarization and war. An instigator for social change, Wodiczko’s powerful public art interventions disrupt the valorization of state-sanctioned aggression and challenge our complacency towards war, xenophobia and displacement. The film focuses on Wodiczko’s social practice art and the recurring themes of war, trauma and displacement in Wodiczko’s […]

91.  CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #91, SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 Blakeley.  “Turning the Earth into money w/ John Bellamy Foster.” Alberto Garzón Espinosa.  “The Limits to Growth: Ecosocialism or Barbarism.”Drew Costley and Matthew Brown.  “Study says carbon’s costs undercounted” Humans and Nature under Capitalism Grace Blakeley.  “Turning the Earth into money w/ John Bellamy Foster.” (posted May 12).  Grace talks to John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon and editor of Monthly Review. They discuss Marx’s theory of nature and the relationship between humanity and nature under capitalism.   (For the interview, click the title.  See Sparrow, Crimes Against Nature.) WHEN DID WE KNOW? (that the […]

ECONOMIC GROWTH ANTHOLOGY  #4, September 3, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and ECOLOGY GROWTH, EXPANSION the Dynamo of Capitalism #4 Earlier Newsletters (#1, June 17, 2016, #2, July 10, 2016, #3, October 20, 2018, #4 TABLE OF Contents:PART ONE:   ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, 2016, 2019, ideologically biased mainstream advocate of neoliberal capitalism, enemy of climate 2016 XNA Parking Deck $30 million. 2019 12% rise in traffic NWA.  See George Monbiot’s corrective, “Love Flights.”Access highway to be improved.Welcome gas and oil Boom includes some smog. Plastics Boom. Coal down but some new mines. PART TWO:  RECENT COMMENTARY ON GROWTH […]

89 WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #89, AUGUST 31, 2022 Chris Hedges.  “Ukraine and the Politics of Permanent War.” World Beyond War.  The War Abolisher Awards of 2022.Dick Bennett.  “Finding Hope.” Chris Hedges.  “Ukraine and the Politics of Permanent War.” The prosecution of permanent war requires permanent censorship. No one, including the most bullish supporters of Ukraine, expect the nation’s war with Russia to end soon. The fighting has been reduced to artillery duels across hundreds of miles of front lines and creeping advances and retreats. Ukraine, like Afghanistan, will bleed for a very long time. This is by design. On August 24, the Biden administration announced yet another massive military aid package to Ukraine worth nearly […]