Yearly Archives: 2022

Climate Activist Research Study Informational Session

Saving Climate Activists: Resilience Support Needed Climate Activist Research Study Informational Session >Begins May 10, 9-week research study>No charge for the informational session or participation in the research >More information below! >Help yourself and other activists thriveProject Lead: Sami Aaron Director of the Resilient Activist Center. Training, Research, Impact, and a Heart for Caring ActivistsIf you care, you suffer too. The Resilient Activist believes that the world needs inspired, visionary activists who have the resilience to see us through these unprecedented times. If you’re one of those visionary activists, or sense just how difficult the times are now, you know […]

US, RUSSIA, UKRAINE, cold war ii ANTHOLOGY #16 April 2, 2022

OMNI US, RUSSIA, UKRAINE, cold war ii ANTHOLOGY #16 April 2, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology contents of russia, ukraine, new cold hot war #16TomDispatch.  New Cold and Hot Wars and Swelling Military.Four Articles via Historians for Peace 3-23-22 Stephen Krotkin, Putin in Russian History. Alfred McCoy, Putin and Xi Jinping in Eurasia. Juan Cole,  We Shouldn’t Want a NATO No Fly Zone. Andrew Bacevich,  US v. International Order. US Mainstream Reporting Disinformation in Dongass Christelle Néant, “Mariupol—Civilians Denounce the Crimes    of the Fighters of the Neo-Nazi Azov Regiment.”  Max Blumenthal, […]

How Does War Trauma Affect Adult Children of Veterans?

A Conversation Fri April 22 – 7:00 pm – in person at Omni CenterJoanie Connors, therapist, peace activist, poet, author and former resident of Fayetteville is writing a book on her father’s experience as a military veteran and the impact of his PTSD on her family. Her research and thinking has made her very curious about other families and how that experience played out for them. This event will be a presentation on Joanie’s book and a conversation on this difficult but crucial topic that is central to helping a war culture begin to heal from the trauma we’ve both experienced and […]


OMNI RUSSIA, UKRAINE ANTHOLOGY #15 March 27, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTS NATO AND wHY DOES uKRAINE mATTER? Jordan Smith, “They Saw It Coming.”  The New Republic (April 2022).      Quick Summary of NATO Formation and Expansion (Dick) Diana Johnstone. “For Washington, War Never Ends.”    Consortium News (March 16, 2022). Mary Elise Sarotte.  Not One Inch.  Apparently the definitive book on US, NATO,       Ukraine, and Russia. WWIII Caitlin Johnstone.  Report on Steven Starr.  Call to World to Pay Attention to Nuclear         WWIII. Bryan Dyne Interviews Steven Starr on WWIII and Nuclear […]

Save Democracy with a Stamp

Postcards to Swing States: A Progressive Turnout Project Initiative Save Democracy with a Stamp“Postcards to Swing States” formed when studies showed that a personal postcard, even from an unknown person, had a significant impact on voter turnout. The project had important results in the past two elections. The upcoming primary election is EVERY BIT AS IMPORTANT. It’s also well-known that when voter turnout is good, progressives tend to win. If voter turnout is low this primary, it will have potentially catastrophic effects on democracy.Arkansas is not a big swing state of course, but we can make a difference by helping […]

Omni Radio KPSQ FM – 97.3 FM or

Omni RadioKPSQ FM – 97.3 FM or www.kpsq.orgCommunity Radio for Fayetteville Great local DJ’s and nationally syndicated programming that you’ll love KPSQ is our community radio station – 97.3 on the dial and to anywhere on the planet. That’s a potential market of 7 billion people. Ask us about underwriting potential!You can also get free publicity for events and activities as things begin to open up after covid. To get your FREEE PSA go to KPSQ.ORG and click on YOUR PSA in the bottom yellow box on the left. Fill out the easy form and wonderful volunteers at the […]

Update on the NWA Time Exchange

On Sunday April 10 we’re planning a “mock orientation” to pilot the starting Time Bank plan. It’s meant for a small group to give us feedback on how things flow. Would you like to join us for the test? Email us at to volunteer, friends! The Time Exchange design team is planning to be ready to go “live” (meaning we’ll start organizing member orientations and sharing transactions) as soon as a break in the virus opens up. Watch for social media to begin soon.

Join us in demanding NO NEW PRISONS

PLEASE SIGN!Does Arkansas need more prison beds?Join us in demanding NO NEW PRISONSPlease sign this petition to Governor Hutchinson! Click here  Governor Hutchinson announced an expansion of 498 beds to the Calico Rock North Central unit as a response to the backup of state sentenced Arkansans being housed in county jails across the state. The project is slated to cost between $60 and $100 million and is made possible by the state’s billion-dollar surplus pending approval from the legislature   There’s more at the link. Here’s a hint of what could happen instead of more prisoners: Arkansas’ punitive approach ignores data-backed […]