Yearly Archives: 2022

Jan 6 Hearings on pause til July

Lots MORE NEW tips emerging. The committee needs to review it all. They’ll be announcing the next hearing in July. Stay tuned. Here’s the House committee channel. They’ll broadcast during their live hearings: PBS NewsHour will carry the hearings live with reporting and analysis. Check your local listings to find the PBS station near you, or watch online here or in the player at the link below. Here is the YouTube link for PBS:

Roe v Wade Overturned!

The conservatives of the Supreme Court have overturned Roe v Wade as they promised. Uncharted waters open up and no right is left sacred now.. Don’t wait to voice your protest. Attend the rally tonight on The Town Square at 6:30 .

United Nations WORLD REFUGEE DAY NEWSLETTER #11, June 20, 2022

OMNI United Nations WORLD REFUGEE DAY NEWSLETTER #11, June 20, 2022. Compiled by Dick Bennett for a CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, and ECOLOGY    (OMNI Newsletter #1 June 20, 2008; #2 Dec. 4, 2011; #3 June 20, 2012; #4, June 20, 2014; #5, June 20, 2015; #6 June 20, 2017; #7, June 20, 2018; #8, June 20, 2019; #9, June 20, 2020; #10, June 20, 2021). UN World Refugee Day is held every year on June 20, a special day when the world takes time to recognize the desperate needs and the resilience of forcibly displaced people, and to plan ways to help […]


OMNI US-NATO-UKRAINE-RUSSIA WAR ANTHOLOGY #23:NAZIS AND NEO-NAZIS IN UKRAINE June 19, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice and Ecology What’s at stake regarding the war.       First, an important motivation of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is the long, active, armed presence of Nazis and then Neo-Nazis there.    During WWII–to Russians the Great Patriotic War against the Nazi invasion, let’s not forget, in which Ukrainians fought on the Nazi side–killed some 20 million Russians.   The essays explain how Nazi presence in the Ukraine exacerbated Putin’s fear of NATO and helped to motivate his invasion […]

Don’t cut the mature trees in the Buffalo River headwaters

Please write to the US Forest Service in Arkansas: Don’t cut the mature trees in the Buffalo River headwaters Do you care about trees? Most of us do. Activists from Newton County report that the Forest Service policy of clearing mature trees in the headwaters of the upper Buffalo promises to be extremely dangerous to the purity of the water and safety for the drinking water of people who live along the river. It’s a commitment to profit that says the value of mature trees is only measured in dollars from loggers. It does not take into account the environmental […]

Watching the Jan 6 Hearings with baited breath

Can our democracy hold sedition and treason to account? It’s a dangerously open question. Will America tune into this horror story and take note? It’s getting clearer by the day how much our democracy depends on it. Episode 4 of this cliff-hanger and nail-biter will be Tuesday June 21 at noon central time. PBS is my favorite station to watch it on, but others are carrying them now and the House channel is carrying them. The only people are are not moved by this tragedy are people who don’t know to watch it. Share the links with family and friends who might […]

Transgender Pride Parade

Sat March 18 – noon on Dickson Street There’s just nothing that needs to be said about the Pride Parades. They’re electric and inspiring for LGBTQ folks and all allies too. Come to support justice and equality for everyone in this wonderful community. And have a blast while you do it.

79. Climate Memo Mondays, #79, June 13, 2022

79. Climate Memo Mondays, #79, June 13, 2022 and OverconsumptionNew Laws NeededRichard Heinberg,  PowerPopulation Connection Presents, 8 Billion and Counting by Jennifer D. SciubbaTed Hamilton, Beyond Fossil Law: We Need New Laws. Richard Heinberg, Power.  Heinberg has no doubt regarding the significance of population, in two sections: “Overpopulation and Overconsumption” (pp,. 238-242) and “Population: Lowering It and Keeping It Steady (337-41).         “Population growth makes every environmental crisis harder to address. . . .the more children we have now, the more human suffering is likely. . . .” (240-41).  “At the US average amount of consumption, we would need the equivalent of […]