Monthly Archives: November 2022

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #100, NOVEMBER 7, 2022 AccountabilityJeff Sparrow. Crimes Against Nature.Jeffrey Sachs.  Inflation Reduction Act: Manchin,  Sinema, and Tea Party     Republicans.   (Contrast Bernie’s and Elizabeth’s proposals.)Sue Ann Martinson.   “Ignoring How Militarism Fuels Climate Change Will Be the Death of Us.”Climate Accountability Institute Percentage of U.S. voters who view climate change as the most important problem facing the country: 1.   Harper’s Index.  The light of OMNI’s CMM that could dispel our climate ignorance that will destroy us is free.   Feel free to forward it to all your acquaintances and lists. ACCOUNTABILITYJeff Sparrow.   Crimes Against Nature: Capitalism and Global Heating. Scribe, 2021.      Sparrow ends his book with a […]

CUBA ANTHOLOGY #11 November 6, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology What’s at Stake:  The Long, Unjustified, Cruel US War against Cuba, and Cuban Resistance and Achievements. CONTENTS #11 US Meddling, Intervention, Subversion (of Cuba and US Constitution), Blockade, Propaganda, Armed Invasion, Kidnapping, Murder McAdoo.   Embargo. Landau.  “Punish Cuba” Bill.The Nation Editorial. Wayne Smith.  Overthrowing Castro a “Costly Cuba Policy.”Peter Kornbluh.  UN v. US Embargo.The Nation Editorial. Peter Kornbluh and William Leogrande v. Embargo.Margaret Flowers.  “Biden’s Disastrous Foreign Policy.” Cubaminrex.  “Cuba Responds” re Biden and Trump. Cuban Resistance (and International Allies) Dunn.  “Beginning of the Cuban Revolution.”  Ben Norton.  […]

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #99, NOVEMBER 9, 2022 Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies.  War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict.Two from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Times the world came close to nuclear disaster.  How many nuclear weapons did the US and USSR have?Justice for the Marshall Islands.  NUCLEAR WAR Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies.  War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict. NOV 3 The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with Medea Benjamin on her book “War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict” Listen · 34M Subscribed No one, including the most bullish supporters […]

The Famous Bread and Puppets comes to Fayetteville

Saturday Nov 19 MORE DETAILS THANK YOU good Omni folks who already volunteered your extra bedrooms for Bread and Puppets! More details below on the plans for the event and the need for hospitality. 1) MAIN NEED 30 beds are needed. Wow. We need more beds! They don’t need to be fancy. Most folks are happy to sleep on a dry floor. 3 elders really do need actual beds. And one puppeteer comes with a faithful dog. Can any of y’all help with these needs? Other needs: 2) JoAnn Kaminsky is organizing lunch and dinner for the troupe. Would you […]

Other Ballot Measures

Nope. Politics in Arkansas not getting better yet There are several ballot measures on the November ballot that Arkansans need to be aware of, and most are not good ones. They’re all worded to confuse us, of course. Here’s the run-down. Special Election and first of the issues on the ballot: Jail Expansion – .25% sales tax for both issues, $113,500,000.00! Jail expansion should be the LAST option for reducing the jail population, not the ONLY option. But that’s what our sheriff thinks. And the Quorum Court majority slavishly agrees. VOTE NO. Juvenile Court – included in 25% sales tax but can […]

Important perspective on Issue 4 – post by Omni member Bob Billig

 If you haven’t voted yet, please consider voting NO on Issue # 4, the Adult Use Cannabis Amendment. We would all like to see decriminalization of marijuana possession. We would all like to see retail sales of marijuana to adults. But Issue 4 is a scam and, big surprise, it’s all about money. The first consideration is that Issue 4 is an AMENDMENT to the state constitution. It’s not a statute, a law, written by the legislature. It is permanently added to the constitution. What should be an issue of law is instead being baked into our state’s founding document. It […]

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #98, NOVEMBER 2, 2022 NUCLEAR WARWorld Beyond War.  Kucinich Calls for Diplomacy.Dick.  Nukewatch Quarterly urgently important.Chris Hedges Warns of the War Mongers and Dr. Strangeloves.Franҫois Diaz Maurin.  “No Place to Hide.” “Kucinich Says Call for Diplomacy to end Ukraine-Russia War Must be Heard. “  By Dennis Kucinich, World BEYOND War, October 26, 2022, CLEVELAND (Oct. 26) Weds – – Dennis J. Kucinich, former Congressman and former Democratic Presidential candidate today called upon Congressional Democrats to “rethink their opposition to diplomacy” as a means to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. The Fall 2022 edition of the Nukewatch Quarterly is now ready for viewing online!Click here […]