Yearly Archives: 2021

Covid Safety at Omni for Hiroshima and Beyond

Ok, we get the point, Mother Nature. You’re not done with us yet. There are still lessons to be learned from coronavirus, and we need to take this seriously until everyone has this well in mind. For some reason, that could take awhile. Omni was just getting excited about the potential to begin doing things together again and have been caught up short. Hiroshima Nagasaki Day this Sunday is a case in point. When the current spike started we realized it would affect our plans, and decided to livestream to our Facebook page to let more Omni folks share in […]

Hiroshima Nagasaki Commemoration

Sun Aug 8 – 7:00 pm – at Omni Center Outdoors, In-person as of nowLivestream and recorded on Facebook the Omni Center for Peace, Justice & Ecology pageVideo page: are critical nuclear issues going on right now, at the same time critical covid issues are also on the table. Omni will hold the annual commemoration in person on the lawn at Omni on Sunday August 8. Many wise people will be uncertain about meeting in-person, so the event will also be live-streamed and recorded. If you aren’t vaccinated, please don’t endanger yourself by attending. But some will be present, […]

33. WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, August 4, 2021

33.   WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, August 4, 2021 OMNI’S ANNUAL REMEMBRANCE OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI      OMNI will resume its annual Remembrance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and this year Celebrate the new UN Treaty banning nuclear weapons, on Sunday evening of August 8, at OMNI, 7p.m.  Join with us in sorrow and yearning for the abolition of weapons of mass destruction capable of omnicide.  Please contact OMNI Director Gladys Tiffany or OMNI President Kelly Mulhollan either to offer your help or to express your support by attending.        Despite the dispiriting Covid 19 and dangerous variants and continued failure […]

34. Climate Memo Mondays, August 2, 2021

34.  Climate Memo Mondays, August 2, 2021 I hope this excellent film receives widespread viewing!   And I hope my registration will lead you to the link for you.  A main path to stopping temperature from rising further is stopping population growth.   D Registration Confirmation POPULATION CONNECTION PRESENTS 8 BILLION ANGELS View Recording Hi there, You have successfully registered for POPULATION CONNECTION PRESENTS 8 BILLION ANGELS by Terry Spahr. Webinar details: Link Webinar ID2e523ffdad63 AboutPOPULATION CONNECTION Presents:8 BILLION ANGELS (54 Minutes) Exclusive On-Demand Access for this documentary is available from:JULY 29 through AUGUST 3. When your viewing period begins, the […]

Reapportionment Hearings Coming Up

This is important to us all!Reapportionment Hearings Coming Up Thursday August 5More info: Loriee Evans <>Hi everyone,   I wanted to share this Indivisible toolkit of resources on the upcoming Board of Apportionment public hearings that begins on July 29th. Please feel free to share, copy, grab, use the information however is most useful to your organization. It would just be great to spread the word wide about the meetings widely.   Please help to spread the word in communities and get representation at all the public hearings. Attendees will all have a chance to pass the mic, and all comments […]


32.  WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, JULY 28, 2021 VS. CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARApplies to NUCLEAR WARfrom Linus Pauling’s Nobel Peace Lecture 1963        Pauling protested the huge US expenditure for research and development of biological and chemical war, which had increased “sixteenfold in a decade.”  He points out especially the horrors of nerve gas and toxins such as botulism, viruses (yellow fever), and bacterial spores (anthrax) which could “kill tens of hundreds of millions of people.”  And the special danger of large-scale development of weapons of mass destruction by the US is that it might spread around the world.  He appeals to […]

Climate Memo Mondays #33, July 26, 2021

 Climate Memo Mondays #33, July 26, 2021 WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE REPORTER OF THE CLIMATE CATASTROPHE?  Here’s one of mine:  ASHLEY DAWSON 2016 Extinction: A Radical History 2017 Extreme Cities: The Peril and Promise of Urban Life in the Age of Climate Change.  2021 People’s Power: Reclaiming the Energy Commons ASHLEY DAWSON.  EXTINCTION: A RADICAL HISTORY.  2016. Publisher’s description: Some thousands of years ago, the world was home to an immense variety of large mammals. From wooly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers to giant ground sloths and armadillos the size of automobiles, these spectacular creatures roamed freely. Then human beings arrived. […]


PEACE IS BUILDING Department of Peacebuilding Past and Future Twenty years ago, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH) introduced into Congress a bill to create a cabinet-level Department of Peace (DoP). This was exactly two months before 9-11-2001.  PEACE IS A PART OF AMERICA’S DNA from the days of George Washington, but how do we transition to a culture of peace? That is the question.  A DoP is part of the answer. Going forward, we continue to build support for the Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2021 (DoP 2021) which is sponsored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA).  We need your help.On this 20th anniversary of DoP legislation, we commemorate those who have remained […]