Monthly Archives: October 2021

OMNI Glasgow Countdown, 10-22/31-21

 COP26, UN CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE Glasgow, October 31 to November 12, 2021 OMNI Glasgow Countdown, 10-22/31-21 Contents Science for Peace, 10-22 Climate Hawks, 10-25 Atomic Scientists, 10-25 UN Wire, 10-25 ADG, 10-26 World Beyond War, 10-29 Senator Ed Markey, 10-30 Avaaz:  Greta Thunberg, 10-31 UNAC and Global Network:: Convergence of Space, Militarization, and the Climate Crisis, 10-31 TEXTS What is happening in Glasgow  10-22-21 Science for Peace via  10:23 AM (3 hours ago) to me   This jointly-sponsored one-hour webcast assembles six experts to reflect on Canada’s climate record and future performance in the context of the COP26 climate summit […]

45. WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, October 27, 2021

-45.  WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, October 27, 2021. ANTICIPATING ARMISTICE DAYTwo Anti-War Books by Kathy BeckwithGlamorizing Warriors: Gallagher and Powell 2 ANTI-WAR BOOKS by KATHY BECKWITH Playing War by Kathy Beckwith. One summer day Luke and his friends decide to play their favorite game of war, but Sameer, who is new to the neighborhood, hesitates to join in. A Mighty Case Against War by Kathy Beckwith. Beckwith relates a history of America’s wars that includes “What America Missed in U.S. History Class.” She details why war sells, the fallacies of common justifications for war, true costs of war, and sensible alternatives. A Mighty […]


CELEBRATES UNITED NATIONS DAY OCTOBE OMNI CELEBRATES UNITED NATIONS DAY OCTOBER 24, 2021 For a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology compiled by Dick Bennett Contents Oct. 24, 2021UN DAY 2021 FCNL Celebrates UN Day 2021: UN Peacekeeping Vijay Prashad, UN Charter White House Proclamation UN DAYS Videos TEXTS United Nations Day in United Nations in 2021 – There is a Day … › holidays › united-… Read about United Nations Day in United Nations in 2021. UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. Celebrate U.N. Day by Supporting U.N. Peacekeeping! Ursala Knudsen-Latta, Friends Committee for National Legislation […]

DEFENDING CUBA Newsletter #9

October 24, 2021 OMNI DEFENDING CUBA Newsletter #9 October 24, 2021 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTS #9, US AGAINST CUBA Vijay Prashad, Imperialism v. HumanityCuba in China’s “Belt and Road Energy” AllianceCuba v. Covid-19 UPJ, Stop US Regime Change Subversion of Cuba Anniversary of Murder of Che Guevara, New Book by Ratner and Smith Florida’s Gov. Awards Medal of Freedom to Che’s Assassin John Ross, World Mobilizes v. US Mistreatment of Cuba Aaron Maté, US v. Cuba’s Anti-Imperialism Cuban Scientists Write Biden on Covid-19 Supporting Cuban Sovereignty Max Blumenthal, Cultural […]

Open Mic Night!

Sunday Nov 7- 7:00 pm In Person at Omni! As weather permits and covid safety in mind!Stay tuned! Autumn is FINALLY HERE! What a blessing…sending up good thoughts for at least one more day of perfect weather for OPEN MIC on OMNI’S back patio. It is a delightful space to safely gather. Everyone should take care of their own comfort zone and that of others in regards to wearing masks and sitting apart. Please wear masks when using the restroom or going inside Omni. We want everyone to stay SAFE. That said….Open Mic starts at 7:00 and we have some lighting because it […]

Tour Intentional Communities

Tour Intentional Communities without leaving home!Explore a variety of new and established intentional communities — ecovillages, cohousing, housing coops, and more. This event will include photos, videos, captivating stories, and insightful dialogue among the presenting communitarians. Plenty of time is included for you to ask your burning questions about community living. Come travel to communities around the world without leaving your armchair! Can’t attend live? No problem! This event will be recorded and sent to all registrants the following day!Sign-up to join and/or get the recording at:

Bioneers Conference

Bioneers Conference Nov 11 – register hereOnline again and wonderful!Please join with us at the Bioneers 2021 virtual conference to experience how some of the wisest among us are bridging the space between worlds.Bioneers 2021 will make the connections from ancient wisdom of forests to the visionary struggles of Amazonian First Peoples to protect the rainforest – from the wisdom of trauma for healing to Ecological Medicine and health equity – from the genius of the biophilic design revolution to designing nature-based infrastructures – from the Green New Deal to regenerative agriculture and the power of soil to sequester carbon – […]

Robert’s Gap Burn and Development Project

Omni Climate Change ForumSunday Nov 7 – 1:30 pm on zoom (link below)Robert’s Gap Burn and Development Project Arkansas Forest Service needs citizen input. This is watershed for the Buffalo River. The runoff is already damaging our iconic waterway. AFS is not considering all the consequences for the river or the people who depend on the watershed.Gordon Watkins of the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance will discuss the US Forest Service’s Robert’s Gap Project.Robert’s Gap is a 40,000 acre, 60 square mile USFS tract encompassing the headwaters of not only the Buffalo National River, but also the White, Kings and Mulberry […]