Yearly Archives: 2020

Growing New Racial Muscles When We Need Them Most

I think most Omni folks will recognize that US history has a long bloody substream that re-erupted into light this past week. A new public string of deaths at the hands of police that exploded Wednesday with the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.  My editorial comment on this fresh tragedy is that policing in America needs a rehaul immediately. Enabling murderers to hide behind a police badge is in no way good for anybody, including good police officers. Minneapolis has a long dirty history of racism and red-lining, but clearly they aren’t the only American city with a problem. It is a horrible […]

Virtual Climate Change Book Forum Climate Impacts of Covid 19

Sunday June 7 – 1:30 pmon GoToMeeting link below!Welcome, All, to Climate Change Book Forum’s first virtual meeting!We will be looking at the impact of Covid 19:Alberto Torres will review general aspects of the virus that causes Covid-19, what policies different countries have implemented to control the spread of the disease and how those different strategies have worked. Setting the discussion for Shelley to address the social inequality aspects of this pandemic.  Shelley Buonaiuto will present on the disproportionate impact of Covid 19 on low income and People of Color.Richard Tiffany will talk about the impact of Covid 19 specifically on […]

WearOrange Weekend

Save the date: #WearOrange Wear Orange #WearOrange Weekendstarts June 5Save the date: Friday, June 5, 2020 is National Gun Violence Awareness Day. And we’ll all be wearing orange.In 2013, 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton was shot and killed in Chicago. After her death, her friends and family wore orange to honor Hadiya and the hundreds of Americans killed and wounded by gun violence every day. Every year since then, to coincide with Hadiya’s birthday on June 2, we’ve worked to continue their efforts by wearing orange on the first Friday of June and the entirety of that weekend.So, on June 5th we’ll #WearOrange to […]

Come Join Me For A Virtual Hike at Devil’s Eyebrow Natural Area!

A super-cool invitation from Eric Fuselier, Environmental Project Manager from Crafton Tull EngineeringAfter the Arkansas Native Plant Society had to cancel our Spring 2020 Meeting (which was to be held in NWA this year), some of us have been working to create some virtual content to share with our members.I created a video (linked below) that gives an introduction to the native plant communities at Devil’s Eyebrow Natural Area in Benton and Carroll Counties. This is the first of what I intend to be a series on the native plant communities in our natural areas.Here’s the link in case anyone […]

Turning the Real Conversation Transformative

Responses to last week’s survey: What’s you story about reopening, Omni folks?Turning the Real Conversation Transformative Thanks to the 25 folks who responded to last week’s survey Omni folks. Hope this can begin a conversation that progressives need to start having among ourselves. Here are the responses y’all gave us. Does anything surprise youl in what others said here? 1.      “I’m ready now” 44% – Yes 66% – No 2.      “Maybe Later” 90% – Yes 10% –No 3.      “No Way” (this one was lots like Number 1 so some people skipped it) 44.44% – Yes 55.54% – No One of the more colorful responses was: […]

MayDay Kitchen goes live

Omni Board member Alex Tripodi has a passion for feeding people. It used to come out as he cooked for his family, and in his work at fine dining restaurants. But when the covid thing started, he and his food-service industry co-workers were getting laid off. He realized real hunger was now at the door. Alex and a group of other volunteers started MayDay Kitchen to help meet some of that need. You’ll hear more about MayDay Kitchen soon. Here’s a fun introduction from Kelly and Donna Mulhollan special for you.

What’s you story about reopening, Omni folks?

We want to know what Omni folks are thinking about opening up “after” covid. How frustrated are you with sequestering? How concerned are you about the continuing increase in cases? What are your friends and neighbors saying? Please take our short poll and tell us your thoughts in the text box please! Ready NowMaybe LaterNo Way ps: This is an experiment. If the survey doesn’t work please tell us.