Yearly Archives: 2018

Poor People’s Campaign 40 Days of Moral Action

Poor People’s Campaign 40 Days of Moral Action Mass Meeting! Sun June 3 – 5:00 pm – St. Paul’s Episcopal Linking systemic racism and poverty. Inspiring livestream talks from the national campaign in Washington DC. Don’t miss it! Next Meeting for Moral Action Monday June 4 – carpools to Little Rock meeting at St. Paul’s Episcopal 7:39 am. Focus this week: Environment, environmental justice, climate change! Organizing carpools to weekly Monday actions at the state capital.. You are invited Contact Heather Pratt – for more information! Every Monday for 6 weeks, Arkansas will join the Moral Monday’s Campaign that […]

Peace Gardens Tour time again! Thrilling!

Peace Gardens Tour time again! Thrilling! Sat May 26 – 10:00 am-3:00 pm Locations linked below This year is splendid for the gardens. Y’all do NOT want to miss this year, because these gardens will heal your soul. New gardens and inspired gardeners are abetted by Mother Nature to make them just amazing. This lil greenhouse is from gardeners Lyn Ward and Xi Krump at Bella Luna Garden. Just to tickle your fancy. As usual, get tickets at the first garden you visit, and then tour at your leisure, visit with gardeners, and drink in a cool beverage and the […]

Separation of powers at risk

IMPORTANT NOTE Separation of powers at risk Beware of this “ethics reform” amendment in the November election Did you know that the Fall 2018 election includes an amendment that will take away our constitutional separation of powers? It will strip Arkansas’ highest court of the power to set its rules and procedures. It gives the Legislature control of Arkansas’ courts. It’s a two-parter, as the Legislature is fond of doing. Last time it combined ethics reform and changing term limits. This time it’s tort reform and gutting the power of the Arkansas Supreme Court. It’s a power grab, to be […]

People Power Campaign Meeting

People Power Campaign Meeting Mon May 7 – 6:30 pm — OMNI Center Campaign to defend Constitutional rights to make our community safe and prosperous. More information will be revealed, but this is a petition that will appear on the ballot next November. If you’re curious, please plan to join us.

Uno de Mayo

Uno de Mayo – May Day International Workers Day Tues May 1 – 5:30-8:30 – Murphy Park, Springdale In honor of International Workers Day, NWAWJC uplifts the leadership of trabajadoras that have been on the front-lines fighting against exploitation, discrimination and sexual harassment in poultry-processing plants. Join us for live music, theater, food, and art. TIME IS UP! NO MORE labor abuse in Arkansas poultry plants! #All11Million #TimesUp #NoMoreLaborAbuse To help bring this action alive, check out our community mural and music workshops:  1 de Mayo: Mural and Music Workshops

National School Walkout

National School Walkout Fri April 20 – 10:00 am-noon Begin at Fayetteville High Walk to St. Paul’s Episcopal to Courthouse Fayetteville High School is participating in the National School Walkout at 10 AM on Friday, April 20th against school shootings and gun violence. We have details about this event on our Facebook page FHS students will be walking out of the high school onto the sidewalk at 10:20 AM (further info. about location on Facebook), and we will be marching from there to the parking lot of St. Paul’s Episcopal church in order to give speeches and then rally […]

Earth Day at World Peace Wetland Prairie

Earth Day at World Peace Wetland Prairie Sun April 22 – 1:00-5:00 pm At the Prairie – 1101 So. Duncan, Fayetteville Family-friendly fun at the beautiful forest fringe park,1121 So. Duncan OMNI Center welcomes you to join in for Earth Day 2018 at Fayetteville’s most secret nature park. This is the 14th year they’ve held Earthday out there. It’s always a relaxed, pleasant time in the open air. As they usually do, Kelly and Donna Mulhollan will hold OMNI’s Open Mic acoustic song circle, and a bunch of OMNI peace musicians are planning to come. Bring along a folding chair, […]