Monthly Archives: June 2018

Connection Power

Connection Power Why is connecting important? Research shows that a connected and cohesive community is powerful! When it faces conflict, crisis or catastrophe a connected and cohesive community recognizes problems more quickly. It draws on the knowledge and skills of more people to solve problems. And it bounces back from crisis faster, and more effectively. As our world moves through climate and social crises the family and community connections we nurture will be the way we survive and thrive. We need to prepare now to connect across all the silos of race, creed and culture that have divided us over […]

People Power Campaign Meeting

People Power Campaign Meeting Mon June 4 – 6:30 pm — OMNI Center Campaign to defend Constitutional rights for everybody, to make our community safe, welcoming and prosperous. . If you’re curious, please plan to join us to learn more. Come to the meeting for full information, or meet us at the Farmers Market on Saturday morning.

Poor People’s Campaign 40 Days of Moral Action

Poor People’s Campaign 40 Days of Moral Action Mass Meeting! Sun June 3 – 5:00 pm – St. Paul’s Episcopal Linking systemic racism and poverty. Inspiring livestream talks from the national campaign in Washington DC. Don’t miss it! Next Meeting for Moral Action Monday June 4 – carpools to Little Rock meeting at St. Paul’s Episcopal 7:39 am. Focus this week: Environment, environmental justice, climate change! Organizing carpools to weekly Monday actions at the state capital.. You are invited Contact Heather Pratt – for more information! Every Monday for 6 weeks, Arkansas will join the Moral Monday’s Campaign that […]