Zero Waste!
The “Other” Reasons to Live Sustainably
By zero waste practitioner Rose Brown

One fifth of the world’s population is responsible for almost 90% of resource consumption. Just a few clicks of the mouse will reveal all the information you need to convince yourself that living sustainably is a good idea. But what if those dire statistics and stories haven’t fully convinced you to change your lifestyle? Pause and consider a few underlying benefits of sustainability that might not be obvious on the surface:
A Feeling of Belonging – Most choices that build sustainability also happen to build community. Shopping locally, using public transportation, installing rain barrels or solar panels, reducing your meat consumption, gardening (just to name a few!) all involve connecting with people in your community who can share their resources, knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm. Take this opportunity to really notice how many people touch your life and how good it feels to be part of a network. Every human needs to feel these connections, and they are built in when we boldly change our old patterns and choose sustainability.
A Sense of Relief – Do you ever wonder about the legacy you will leave? Do you ponder whether you have the right to use up finite resources in your lifetime? Do you spend time thinking about exactly what you value the most in your life? Even if these questions are not on the forefront of your mind every day, they are often lurking underneath. If your day-to-day decisions don’t reflect your true values and morals, then there is a constant low-level disconnect and thus a constant level of discomfort. The more sustainable choices you make, the more relieved your psyche could feel as it does not have to reconcile the vast difference between your values and your choices as a consumer.
More Courage – As we make choices that reflect how we want to live in this world, we create powerful positive feedback loops. Every small choice gives us the confidence and clarity to make another small choice, which leads to larger choices and more daring self-evaluation. As you gain courage from past successes (and failures too), you can channel that energy straight into your desire to do even more. This is what eco-warriors are made of!

Sustainability class series:
Ozark Natural Foods, Saturdays from May 11 through June 15, 5PM – 6:30PM
Perhaps you wish you lived a more sustainable life. Or maybe you already work toward sustainable living, but you find yourself facing certain blocks or losing energy for your goals. During this course, you will learn how to work toward your sustainability goals by using Mind-Body practices such as breathing, simple massage, art and music.
This course is for all levels. You are welcome if you’re a beginner, a weathered eco-warrior, or somewhere in between. You are welcome whether or not you have an existing Mind-Body practice. We will work as a group, but the practices and your goals throughout the course will be personalized by and for you.
Please register for the 6-week series at
zero garbage presentations are on these dates and locations:
Sun, April 28, 5-7PM, Ozark Natural Foods Community Room
Thurs, May 16, 6:30-8PM, OMNI Center
Sun, May 19, 5-7PM, Ozark Natural Foods Community Room
I also do 6-week workshops (which I’m currently calling Sustainability Workshops), and the next 6-week series is scheduled as follows:
Ozark Natural Foods, Saturdays from May 11 through June 15, 5PM – 6:30PM
More encouragement to reduce / reuse / recycle
The City’s Solid Waste Reduction, Diversion, and Recycling Master Plan identified several additional programs needed order to meet the City’s goal of diverting more materials from the landfill, notably expanded recycling, a food waste compost program, and construction and demolition waste recycling.
This will affect your rates, and improve the city’s diversion rate.
Read more here: