Compiled by Dick Bennett
Ralph Nader. Resisting “Trump’s Tyranny.”
Maria Ressa. How to Stand Up to a Dictator: The Fight for Our Future.
“Stay Silent and Stay Powerless Against Trump’s Tyranny” by Ralph Nader. Facebook, March 14, 2025. (forwarded by Joanie Connors to OMNI Open Forum)
There are reasons why influential or knowledgeable Americans are staying silent as the worsening fascist dictatorship of the Trumpsters and Musketeers gets more entrenched by the day. Most of these reasons are simple cover for cowardice. . . .
Don’t self-censoring people know that they are helping the Trumpian dread, threat and fear machine get worse? Study Germany and Italy in the nineteen thirties.
The Trump/Musk lawless, cruel, arrogant, dictatorial regime is in our White House. Their police state infrastructure is in place. Silence is complicity!
Maria Ressa. How to Stand Up to a Dictator: The Fight for Our Future. Harper, 2022. The title reveals only a part of the book. The Philippine dictator Duterte gained control of the digital media to capture the three branches of government. The first half of the book describes how Duterte rapidly took control of the digital media and the three branches of government. “Within six months of Duterte’s taking power in the Philippines, the checks and balances of the three branches of government—executive, legislatie, and judicial—collapsed through a system of patronage, blind loyalty, and what I started calling the ‘three C,s: corrupt, coerce, co-opt. If anyone refused what the government desired or offered…, they were attacked” via the media by Duterte’s propaganda machine. “We didn’t grasp that Facebook, the website that millions of people still believed fostered community and connection, had supplanted traditional media. We didn’t realize that those ‘content creators’ . . .now passed as political pundits, even as journalists reporting ‘facts.’ Those accounts were at the core of a propaganda machine that bullied and harassed its targets and incited followers to violence. The same thing happened with Stop the Steal in the United States….” (157-58). Ressa founded Rappler, the Philippines’ top digital-only news site, and won the Nobel Peace Prize. –Dick