US VIOLENCE ABROAD AND AT HOME https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2023/04/omni-war-watch-wednesdays-121-april-12.html 

In US 647 MASS SHOOTINGS DURING 2022.  130 DURING FIRST QUARTER OF 2023.  Where does this violence come from?

The Progressive Magazine has long opposed US militarism and wars, domestic and foreign violence.  In its latest no. (April-May 2023) it offers 17 articles, including most importantly the convergence of war and warming catastrophes.  For example:

“U.S. Military Spending, by the Numbers.”  “As the planet hurtles headlong into climate chaos and millions of people’s basic needs go unmet, there is one sector of the U.S. economy that is flush with cash: the military.”

Neta C. Crawford.  “The Deep Cycle and Climate Change as an Existential Threat.”  Crawford explains “how the Pentagon became the world’s largest single greenhouse gas emitter and why it’s not too late to break the link between national security and fossil fuel consumption.”  She is the author of The Pentagon, Climate Change, and War: Charting the Rise and Fall of U.S. Military Emissions, one of the first books to analyze the convergence of the two greatest threats to our civilization and to countless species.

Norman Stockwell.  “Can We Make a Difference?”  This is a review of “longtime peace activist” David Cortright’s new book Peaceful Superpower: Lessons from the World’s Largest Antiwar Movement.  The movement to which he alludes is the millions of people, worldwide, who opposed the atrocious, illegal, criminal, unjustified, and unnecessary 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, trying to stop the war before it started, naming the warmongers Bush, Wolfowitz, Rice,  et al.  “’…the challenge for the future is to learn lessons from that experience.’”

Stefania Maurizi.   Secret Power:  WikiLeaks and Its Enemies.
 Foreword by Ken Loach.   Translated by Lesli Cavanaugh-Bardelli.

Publisher’s description
The terrifying depths of authoritarian power that hide behind the story of Wikileaks.  The power assessed by Maurizi is mainly that of the US National Security State, but the story includes the failure of the US NSS to stop or slow climate change.   Our government exerts enormous destructive power against all labeled enemies of US capitalism, but it also refuses to exert that power against global warming, the major source of which is the US capitalism that is sure to end our civilization unless stopped now.

More studies of US Militarism Here and Over There
War Watch Wednesdays #78. US  Nuclear Scaremongering, US atrocities against insurgencies, and US Global & Domestic Violence.  http://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2022/06/78-war-watch-wednesdays.html

War Watch  Wednesdays #80. US Violence Abroad & Domestic, and VFP on US War games, Nuclear Pollution & Nuclear Arms Race.   http://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2022/06/war-watch-wednesdays-80.html

War Watch Wednesdays #91, September 14, 2022.   Jack Gilroy.  From US Culture of War to US Domestic Violence and Mass Shootings.   https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2022/09/omni-war-watch-wednesdays-91-september.html