Time Exchange Update

Stories from the field

Last week a new time banker groaned that she needed somebody to just TELL her if her car would survive the drive from Fayetteville to Denver. We nudged her to put it out to the Time Exchange and see if somebody who knew that kind of thing would respond. Fortunately there a response, and he could reassure her that her car was sound for the trip. He tossed in a bit more information about what to watch for in the future. And he earned 1.5 hours of time credits for it.

You’re always invited to come find your place in the NWA Time Exchange family. The last monthly potluck was splendid. We had a deep discussion of what the potential of timebanking is, and how to help it grow and be the best it can be, for the good of all its members and our community.

There are time bankers gearing up to reach out to you. If you’d like to know why we’re working so hard on this project, check out our own webpage here:


But also check out the “Learn” page from the national home of the oldest time bank in the country that’s pretty fully developed:


We’ll be there some day. And how about our Facebook page?


The next monthly potluck will be September 27, 6:30 pm at Omni Center. We’ll tell you about Omni’s plan to make the back patio more potluck-friendly and comfy that day.

We’re looking forward to telling everyone about the NWA Time Exchange. If you’re interested and want to ask questions, call us at 479-935-4422, or email to nwatimeexchange@gmail.com