Safer Together Postering Vigil

Sunday March 30 – 5:00 pm – Washington County Courthouse

The crisis for immigrants in Arkansas has started. Really bad bills targeting them – and many who are here legally – are being pushed through the legislature. A rundown of those is further down in the newsletter. It’s scary, but there is good hope.

At this point many, many people in NWA have developed friendships and family ties with people from other parts of the world, and the idea that they’re being targeted like this is repugnant. If you are one of those people lucky enough to care, and ready to do our best to protect neighbors, family and friends we value, this is the moment of truth. Join us Sunday evening to stand up and count.

Bring a poster supporting your immigrant friends and family, and stand together. If you can’t make a poster there will be materials to make one on the spot. If you know anyone who’s been arrested by ICE or deported or anything, and it feels safe to do so, bring their photo to share.
