Putting Out the Planetary Fire

And how to make an impact!

New (free) book on Climate Change and Advocacy

Mark Dunlea’ via People vs Fossil Fuels <build-back-fossil-free@googlegroups.com>


Green Education and Legal Fund – www.gelfny.org – January 1, 2023

Dear Climate Activists and friends:

As we welcome a new year, time is rapidly running out for the world to avoid climate collapse. I have compiled a new climate book – Putting Out the Planetary Fire: An Introduction to Climate Change and Advocacy – which you can read for free on the Green Education and Legal Fund’s website. The link is to the index and chapter outline; each chapter is also posted separately on the site. There is also a pull-down menu on the top of the website for the book and its chapters.

Extreme weather and global warming continue to accelerate. The Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) has repeatedly warned that the world is not acting fast enough to deal with climate crisis. With presumably seven years or less left for drastic climate action, there is no time left for incremental changes.

I was inspired to write the book after teaching a course on climate change and advocacy at Bennington College. I was unable to find a book for the course that provides basic introductory information about the climate change issue and advocacy / organizing techniques. While the book draws on my fifty years on advocacy experience on environmental and economic justice, it incorporates the research and work of the many groups, scientists, and journalists in the climate movement. It is heavily footnoted, enabling readers to readily obtain more information on the various issues.

I plan in the next few months to print the book, either with a commercial publisher or to self-publish, as well as utilizing an e-book format. However, I wanted to make the book available as a resource as soon as possible. I do plan to regularly update it.

The first part of the book is an overview of key aspects of climate change and renewable energy. The second part addresses the theory and practice of social change. It outlines the various strategies and techniques that can be used to persuade governments and other decision makers to take the rapid action needed to prevent climate chaos. It examines the role of the legislature, executive branches, courts, and international bodies (e.g., IPCC, COP) in determining climate action. It provides an introductory how-to overview of lobbying, public education, media, protest, art, litigation, elections, and direct action / civil disobedience.

Feel free to utilize the book in whatever way is useful for your work. You can let your members know that the book is available on the gelfny.org website. Feel free to submit comments or suggestions to dunleamark@aol.com. I am also happy to give talks about the book and climate change.

If you would like to support the publication of the book, you can send a tax-deductible donation to GELF, 156 Big Toad Road, Poestenkill NY 12140. (Any donation of $25 or more will receive a copy of the book once it is published.)

Yours for peace and justice, Mark