Postcards for Democracy Defending Democracy in This Year’s Election!

All 1000 of our postcards have been adopted Omni folks! THANK YOU to the whole team working to push those votes forward.

There are a few packets that haven’t picked up yet. If you requested cards and don’t have them, they’re in the Omni office ready for you. There’s plenty of time to prepare them for mailing in October, but you don’t need to wait. Give Gladys a call (479-283-2167) to pick them up, get them delivered to your door, or mailed if you’re at a distance.

There are still more cards that need a loving touch. Email to request your own batch of Postcards for Swing States. Whatever happens in this crazy election, we NEED everybody to get out and VOTE!

There are more to share. Please order yours now!

We’re Saving Democracy, Omni folks!

Please join the team, and Thank You!