Postcards for Democracy Defending Democracy in This Year’s Election!

The cards have arrived and if you requested some yours have been neatly counted out and packaged, ready for you. We’ll be in contact this week about how to get them to you.

There are more to share. Please order yours now!

Help get out the vote for the November election in one of the most effective ways discovered by science…. Send a hand-written postcard. 

We all know Arkansas is not a swing state. Sometimes we feel like a deep backwater. Until we’re ready for the big leagues, we can still have a real impact in critical swing states across the country with this simple, old-fashioned, but powerful method. 

Omni has ordered 1000 postcards to send out to those critical states where the election will be decided, and you and your friends can help make it happen.  

Send your request for the number of cards you feel comfortable writing. It could be 10, 25 or 500. If we need to order more cards we can do that. They should arrive in the mail in about a month. You can write postcards while watching your favorite show, or invite friends over to help you.

The blank cards will suggest a message scientifically tested to be the most effective and likely to bring the best possible responses (that means the voter actually votes). It will be sent to Democratic voters in a key state identified by Postcards to Swing States, who need contact the most. It will simply be an encouragement to vote. Write the message in your own handwriting and stamp the card. You provide the stamps as a donation to the cause. Mail it on the date provided in the instructions that will come with your packet. They won’t be mailed until October, so there’s lots of time to write the cards.

Hand-written post cards have been proven over multiple years to be an incredibly effective way to encourage voter participation. And this is an election that needs it!  It’s a personal touch that counts.

If you want to participate, please email us at Tell us how many cards you’d like to send, and we’ll see that you’re included. The cards be delivered soon.

We’re saving democracy, Omni folks! Please join the team, and Thank You!