Department of Peacebuilding Past and Future

Twenty years ago, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH) introduced into Congress a bill to create a cabinet-level Department of Peace (DoP). This was exactly two months before 9-11-2001.  PEACE IS A PART OF AMERICA’S DNA from the days of George Washington, but how do we transition to a culture of peace? That is the question.  A DoP is part of the answer. Going forward, we continue to build support for the Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2021 (DoP 2021) which is sponsored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA).  

We need your help.On this 20th anniversary of DoP legislation, we commemorate those who have remained steadfast in the goal of making peace and violence prevention integral to policy decisions in this nation.  We honor the continuing evolution of the art and science of peacebuilding and its practitioners. Peace is building. We urge you to TAKE TWO (or more) of these actions to build support for a DoP:  ·        

One clickAsk Your Congressperson to Cosponsor Dept. of Peacebuilding (HR 1111) ·        

Contact two organizations to join this list of DoP Organization Endorsers. To endorse, organizations should submit the information in this DoP Organization Endorsement Form to ·        

Forward to your friends/ family members this email for them to TAKE TWO actions. ·       

 Call two (or more) of the following former DoP endorsers and ask them to cosponsor DoP 2021 (HR 1111):  
Karen Bass (CA-37) (202-225-7084); 
Judy Chu (CA-27) (202-225-5464); 
Peter DeFazio (OR-4) (202-225-6416); 
Al Green (TX-9) (202-225-7508); 
Pramila Jayapal (WA-7) (202-225-3106); 
Robin Kelly (IL-2) (202-225-0773); 
Andy Kim (NJ-3) (202-225-4765); 
Alan Lowenthal (CA-47) (202-225-7924); 
Carolyn Maloney (NY-12) (202-225-7944); 
James McGovern (MA-2) (202-225-6101); 
Peter Welch (VT-At-Large) (202-225-4115); 
Susan Wild (PA-7) (202-225-6411).  

What to Say to Congress About Cosponsoring Dept. of Peacebuilding ·        Post this information on your Facebook page

To build a sustainable culture of peace takes all of our efforts.  We thank you for being a peacebuilder and we urge you to TAKE TWO (or more) of the actions listed above as we move forward to establish a Department of Peacebuilding and a culture of peace. “To ever have a peaceful world, we need to proactively and diligently wage peace.” – Marianne Williamson. Continue building a culture of peace and a government which prioritized peace by creating a cabinet-level Department of PeacebuildingPeace is building. Make history. Work for a Department of Peacebuilding. For more information, see  Department of Peacebuilding.  Join National Department of Peacebuilding conference calls on the third Wednesday of every month at 5 pm PT/ 8 pm ET, 1-929-436-2866 or 1-669-900-6833, meeting ID 464 735 321 or, to be placed on the call notice list, contact