William J. Perry and Tom Z. Collina write in The Button: The New Nuclear Arms Race and Presidential Power from Truman to Trump, Chapter 4, ‘Hacking the Bomb,’” that “Cyber warfare has become a standard element of the arsenal for what are now called ‘hybrid’ conflicts.” “The United States’ use of cyberattacks against nuclear and missile programs in Iran and North Korea has changed the nature of warfare. As the United States sets the example for hybrid conflicts, and as the tools to fight them proliferate, this boomerang is sure to come back at us” (70). –D
Nuclear Annihilation by Computer
Public Citizen via July 20, 2023 |
It is supposed to be science fiction (as in classic ’80s films like War Games and The Terminator):
An artificial intelligence system initiates a global nuclear war and wipes out human civilization as we know it. But that precise scenario is now too close for comfort.
That’s why Sen. Edward J. Markey (Massachusetts) has introduced an amendment to the annual legislation — in the Senate right now — that sets the Pentagon’s budget. This critical proposal would prohibit our armed forces from giving artificial intelligence the final say in whether to launch nuclear weapons. Currently — as has also been depicted in many movies — each of our nation’s nuclear missile silos and submarines requires two human beings to verify a launch order and to turn the keys that actually set missiles into motion.
It may seem crazy to have to say this, but we must not leave it up to some artificial intelligence system to decide if human civilization ends in nuclear holocaust.
Tell the Senate:
This is real life, not science fiction. You must adopt Sen. Markey’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act and prohibit — by law — artificial intelligence from having the final say in launching nuclear missiles.
Click now to add your name.
Thanks for taking action.
Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen