Obviously the following is only a sampling.
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette criticized the state’s budget surplus as “charging the people too much for government…. they deserve a refund.” (ADG 11-20). But the editorialist failed to ask whether the money was needed, and indeed it is. Here are some recent clips from newspapers, including the ADG. (For additional Arkansas true needs, see back numbers of OMNI’s Newsletter.)
In contrast, NAT, “A Lousy Idea” (10-21), editorialized against refunding the surplus, summarizing many of the urgent needs facing the state.
--Brenda Blagg, “Adequate Schools? Not Yet.” TMN (11-22). “Schools Not Funded” (TMN 10-4).
--Rose Ann Pearce, “New Schools Come at High Price” ( TMN 10-2).
--Gwen Fullen, “Use Surplus to Fund Education.” ADG (10-30).
--Doug Thompson, “Higher Education Costs Up” (TMN 9-7). Cost of college ed. in Ark. is rising faster than per capita income; low income students need help.
--Charlotte Tubbs, “Agency Budget Scrutinized,” ADG (). The agency requested $271.8 million and 360 new positions for 2008; but despite growing demand from residents, Gov. Huckabee recommended $79.6 million and 76. Arkansas population receiving services rose from 1 million to 1.3 million from 2004 to 2006. During this time the health insurance industry was failing, causing more dependence on Medicaid; disabled and elderly residents are increasing; recruiting and retaining staff has become more difficult; child welfare investigations are falling behind.
--Rob Moritz, “Official: Regional Facilities Needed for Mentally Ill,” (TMN 10-31). Housing in outlying areas is needed to ease overcrowding at the State Hospital. The mentally ill should not be placed in jails.
--Amy Sherrill, “State’s Mental Health Patients Suffer Because of Stigma, Costs” (TMN (10-9-06).
--Amy Sherrill, “Mental Health Care Limited” (TMN 10-8).
--John Lyon, “Trauma System Needed,” TMN (). “Implementing [a statewide] System Could Cost Up to $7 Million.” Ark. is “one of only three states in the nation lacking such a system.”
--I. Dodd Wilson, “College Bond Program Essential to Health Care” (ADG 10-8). Arkansas is losing medical professionals to retirement just as boomers are needing them. Medical schools should increase class sizes. “…there is a substantial nursing shortage,” and “55 percent of nurses [are] planning to retire by 2020.”
--“Budget Cuts Slow Cancer Research” (NAT 10-19). An appeal for the Arkansas Cancer Research Center and other biomedical research.
--Betsy Turner, “Task Force Looks to Improve ‘Garrett’s Law’” (TMN (9-29). More money for substance abuse treatment and home evaluation needed to assist mothers using drugs while pregnant, as required by statute.
--Dorothy Ehlebracht, “Many in City Need Help.” Need for a homeless shelter in LR.
--Rebecca Kilmer, “Resources to Help Homeless Available” (ADG 10-13). Describes some of the homeless in LR, and urges new budget priorities. “Let’s stop building prisons and bombs and put some of those billions into creating sustainable communities.”
--“Christie Swanson, “City Suspends Taxi Voucher Program for Rest of the Year” (NAT 10-21). “Fayetteville’s Elderly Taxi Program is out of money.”
--“A Peek Under the Surface.” ADG (10-16). 4 largest NWA cities will count their homeless and look for the causes.
--Drew Terry, “Local Groups Emphasize Local, Global Hunger Problem” (TMN 10-17). Feeding the hungry in NWA, and the world.
--Melissa Blakely, “Coalition Kicks Off Plan to Reduce Homelessness” (TMN 11-17). The valiant struggle to help the homeless, but “’Take a 200-yard walk into any woods in Fayetteville and you will find someone camping there.’” Now a 10-year plan.
--Annie Bergman, “Arkansas Partnership Helps Feed Hungry” (TMN 11-18). Feeding needy Arkansans a holiday meal and the inadequacy of charity.
Jason Wiest, “Ex-FEMA Director Calls for Mitigation Programs.” TMN (11-18). So much money has been siphoned from FEMA for anti-terrorism that readiness for natural disasters has declined. For example: “Mitigation and prevention programs are desperately needed in Arkansas” for buildings along the New Madrid fault.
Because costs are rising for utilities, food, and gasoline, and inmates are increasing (862 new beds in Malvern and 200 in Newport), Gov. Huckabee has requested a $23.9 million increase for fiscal 2007-08. [Two major causes of prison population increases are: imprisonment for nonviolent drug offenses and the increasing length of sentences; both can be remedied by legislative action.]
Adrienne Shaunfield, “Clean Water a Necessity” (ADG (9-28-06). Funds needed for stricter enforcement of existing water quality laws and for study of future needs.
“Fayetteville Plans 2007 Projects.” (TMN 11-5). Enhancement of the square, a parking deck near Dickson St., protection of historic downtown structures, new fire engine 100 ft. aerial ladder for new high-rise buildings, west side sewer plant.
How to pay? Let us count the ways.
--Proper disbursement of the General Improvement Fund (GIF) for strategic statewide investments (see above). John Brummett (TMN 8-5); Steve Barnes (TMN 11-10).
--Ask those wealthy people who squander their money to spend on real needs. E.g. shame Charles Simonyi, the billionaire set to become the next space tourist, to give us the $20 million he will pay for his vanity joy ride. Locally plenty of people have $100,000 they will spend to build a new unnecessary house or renovate their present one.
--TX Trumbo (TMN 10-26) called for end to the $1 million a year from taxes given to the business lobby Advertising and Promotion Commission.
---Nothing is said above about highways, because any expansion of cars is an increase in CO2, which must be reduced.
--“High School Skyboxes a Luxury.” TMN (11-17). Editorial praises Rogers School District for not using tax money to build skybox at football fields. Nor did Springdale need its video screen. “In a time when our students are not performing academically at the level of those in other countries, it is important that we keep our priorities in order.”
--An armed castle courthouse. “Committee Approves Next Step in Courthouse Security” (NAT 10-11). Two fulltime armed guards and two part time guard our unthreatened courthouse. Now they want to spend $84,300 to construct a staircase for non-employees to enter the building. Who are the timorous wee beasties in charge of our county? Immensely costly consequences of fearmongering have swept our country from President to County Judge.
Dick Bennett
(479) 442-4600
2582 Jimmie Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72703