--November 13-14—Difficult Dialogues series, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, American Society for Muslim Advancement, leader in effort to build religious pluralism and integrate Islam into modern society. He will lecture at FPL Monday evening and in Giffels Aud. Tuesday afternoon. (OMNI will host potluck lunch for Imam Feisal on either Monday or Tuesday; contact Dick if you wish to attend.)
--Thursday, November 16—Omni Center Steering Committee Meeting: 5:30p.m.-Potluck,6:00p.m. meeting, Deep End of United Campus Ministries, 902 W. Maple.
--November 16—Great American Smoke-Out
--Sunday, November 19—HOWL (HER OWN WORDS OUT LOUD) Women’s Poetry Open Mic, Night Bird Books, S. School St.—Come read, sing or play your work to a really receptive audience. HOWL: Women's Open Mic happens the third Sunday of each month. Women are invited to read poems (their own or another woman writer), share short prose, sing songs, etc. Men and women are warmly invited to attend. Readings begin at 6:30 and we welcome help setting up at 6 pm.
--November 20, 6pm, Changes are being proposed public hearings held affecting Arkansas'extrordinary resource waters. These are our highest quality free flowing streams. The proposed changes would significantly weaken the protections these streams presently have. Please take time to attend the meeting in your area and/or provide written comment opposing the proposed changes. Contact Shawn Porter NCWA board.
• November 20, 2006, Terrace Room, Clarion Inn, 1255 S. Shiloh, Fayetteville
• December 4, 2006, Northridge Middle School Cafeteria, 120 Northridge Drive, Van Buren.
• December 11, 2006, Harrison High School Commons Area, 925 Goblin Drive, Harrison.
--November 23—Thanksgiving Holiday
--NOVEMBER 26,6:30p.m.,VIDEO UNDERGROUND: “Control Room” - A portrait of Al-Jazeera, the independent news channel Donald Rumsfeld calls "Osama Bin-Laden's mouthpiece." Broadcasting throughout the Middle East, Al-Jazeera's Baghdad headquarters were attacked by American forces in 2003. The film examines the power of independent media and the resistance to it and the problem of whether any news can be truly bias-free.
--Friday, November 1—World AIDS Day
--Sunday, December 3, 7:00p.m.—Omni Center Peace Open Mic—Host will be Brenda Coda; the theme for the month is “Circles, Cycles, and Seasons.” Deep End of United Campus Ministries, 902 W. Maple, Fayetteville.
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