League of Women Voters 2020 Virtual Ballot Issue Forum

Sept 29 – 6:00-7:30 pm – zoom
Arkansas voters will change state law on Election Day with up-or-down votes on all-important ballot questions, but many voters are unfamiliar with the issues they’ll have to decide. It’s difficult to even keep up with what’s still on the ballot and what’s been removed in court.

With that in mind, the League of Women Voters of Washington County will host a ballot-issue forum on September 29th to help the public understand the questions before them. It’s a public service the League tries to provide every two years. This year, the forum will take place virtually, keeping public health and safety a priority. The event will take place from 6-7:30 p.m. We’ll hear from Kristin Higgins of the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture’s Public Policy Center. As she usually does, Ms. Higgins will help us cut through the jargon and explain the issues that the Public Policy Center has thoroughly researched. We’ll also hear from League representatives, as the organization has taken a stand on several of the issues under consideration this year.

Join the meeting Register here. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctf-2opzwiGNUQrwKpWxj03Et5IaYmzBRi