Human Rights Day weekend Dec 10-12

View “The Boys Who Said No” and Roundtable DiscussionView the movie Dec 10-12Gather for the discussion on Dec 12

As Congress debates the future of the draft right now, please join us on Human Rights Day weekend for an online screening of the film and a discussion about how we can take lessons from the past to support today’s resisters. 
“The Boys Who Said “No” – Directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Judith Ehrlich, The Boys Who Said NO! tells for the first time the inspiring story and impact of the draft resistance movement.

REGISTER HERE   When you register, you will receive a link to view the film during the 48-hour period from 8pm Eastern on Friday, December 10 (Human Rights Day!) until 8pm Eastern on Sunday, December 12.   View the film at your convenience, and then join us on Sunday, December 12 at 4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific for an interactive round- table discussion about the film and the current efforts in Congress to expand the draft to women – or to abolish the draft once and for all!    Our guests for the panel include you, CCW staff, Conscientious Objector Rosa del Duca, and former CCW staff member, Civil Rights attorney Iman Hassan.   Registration is free, but if you choose to make a donation to CCW’s work for $10 or more, Rosa will send you a copy of her book about her journey toward Conscientious Objection, Breaking Cadence: One Woman’s War Against the War.Armed Services Committee discuss including women in the draft. End the draft instead! Story at Center for Conscience and War website here: