Here’s an Emerging Save Democracy project, Democracy Is Us

Monday June 24, 2024, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM and every Monday night CDT

Online Event from Peggy O’Neal

Expand your ability to have and live in the country you truly want! Join us for this inspiring and interactive experience with breakout sessions, experiential learning and heart connection with other like-minded people who are passionate about waking up this country to true democracy!

Democracy Is Us Weekly Community Gatherings

What are Community Gatherings?

Democracy Is Us started from a local activist concerned about the state of our democracy just like you, and looking for a way forward together. The Community Gatherings are a way to do that. These gatherings will help to build a shared vision for renewal. Imagine a vibrant Zoom space where passionate individuals like you come together to re-imagine and rejuvenate our democracy and culture. These gatherings are a unique opportunity to learn from each other, spark new ideas, and pave the way for a future our hearts yearn for.

How to access the Gatherings

RSVP at this link for any dates you can attend.


In these gatherings, we open our minds and hearts to new perspectives and endless possibilities with other interesting people. True transformation requires innovation, imagination, and the courage to see and do things differently.

Learn more at the webpage Democracy Is Us

This week’s gathering: What is democracy?

Join us as we explore:

·       The differences between politics, democracy, and ‘We the


·       Our attitudes towards one another

·       The true desires within our hearts

The future we desire doesn’t magically appear; it is crafted through our daily actions, conversations, and relationships.

Blessings, Peggy