Green New Deal Town Hall

Wednesday May 29 – 5:30-7:30 – Fayetteville Library Walker Room

This Town Hall is for concerned people – youth and adult – who want to know more about the Green New Deal, The Energy Innovation Act, Juliana vs. the United States (Our Children’s Trust), as well as local climate impacts. It will include lots of creative elements, like art, writing, music, food, and puppets. Speakers will include youth leaders who are very knowledgeable about the climate situation and will share important perspectives from their points of view.

The group is inspired by young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, The Sunrise Movement, Our Children’s Trust, and many other projects by young leaders in our country and abroad. They are realizing that our broken political system is not acting to protect their futures. They see that they need to speak out more forcefully if they want a future worth living in.

Social time will start at 5:30, with art making for youth and children, puppets, music and food. The program will begin at 6:00.