Get ready for the November election

Get ready for the

November election

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BallotReady from Ballotpedia

An important issue on the ballot this year is Measure #2 – “The Supermajority Vote Requirement”. This measure was proposed and placed on the ballot by super-conservative legislators last year. They don’t like it that Arkansas has a strong method to give citizen voices in Issues like a higher minimum wage, or approval of medical marijuana, for instance. Clearly very important to regular people, but disapproved of by certain groups. You probably noticed that the legislature was very annoyed by the minimum wage measure. Remember how they tried to scratch that several times? Here’s what Ballotpedia says to explain the current measure:,_60%25_Supermajority_Vote_Requirement_for_Constitutional_Amendments_and_Ballot_Initiatives_Measure_(2022)

More information than you ever guessed, right where you can find it in Ballotpedia. Be ready for election day, and ready to help your friends be ready too.